Untitled Part 1

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It was a lovely morning in the Beijing, Xiang was jogging with his lazy sister, who is helpless to do jogging on Sundays as Xiang used to take her to shopping. After they jogged for a while, Zhu felt exhausted, actually she just acted for eating snacks, she asked brother Xiang, in a very low voice, can we have a drink and some snacks as I am feeling tired and can pass out anytime. Xiang showed pity and bought her butterscotch ice cream and coke. She took the bag and ran away when Xiang was doing the payment. After he saw her playing around with him, he also ran behind her to catch.

It was Sunday, a very beautiful young lady in a green long coat and boots in her early twenties was sitting on the roadside bench. She was writing a letter to God which stated ' Jesus please take care of my mom and also bless me and my Beijing – your sincere child Bai Li'. Zhu crossed her running, at that time she was sitting, then after a few seconds she got a call from her mother, ma said your pa died in the road accident. She added he was actually murdered. She stood in shock and as soon as Xiang was going to pass by her she fainted and Xiang caught her hand. When Zhu saw brother Xiang is not catching her she went to see if he was playing another trick. She came there running and asked who is she? Xiang replied I don't know either. While Zhu and Xiang are confused about the girl's health as Xiang already checked her breathing and it was normal. There came the video call of her mom in between, to console her. Xiang picked it up and after seeing Li's mom he remembered her and greeted her. Mrs. Bai asked what happened to her Xiang explained her that she passed out.



It was a dark night Xiang's mom was returning from a party, she was drunk so was unable to drive; she was waiting for a cab. It was not that much late night but then also there was a gang of robbers who were passing by from the same way. They saw her helpless so tried to kidnap her but their plan didn't work because there were the police on the scene and she was Li's mom, who was buying veggies and was returning home from the same way. She helped Mrs. Xiao to escape from there and also arrested some of the robbers and the rest of them were shot at sight by her. After seeing Mrs. Xiao helpless she took her home where Mrs. Bai's (Li's mom) family doctor did their first aid.

Next day when Mrs. Xiao came to her senses, Mrs. Bai told her the whole story and asked her to tell her address so that Li can drop her. But she said how can I bother you, before itself you have helped me a lot. Li said it's okay aunty it's our duty only to save the citizens of china and also adds that she is not just my mom she is Inspector Bai also. She said oh is it, Li's mom nodded with a smile. But then also Mrs. Xiao told them that it is fine I will call my daughter to pick me up. When Xiang arrived there, Li was alone at home. She was cleaning spider's web in the hall and both the ladies were there in the courtyard chatting and sipping milk tea. While doing the cleaning Li had face mask on her, so Xiang was unable to see her full face even though he liked her eyes but suddenly she got dust inside her eyes and asks mom to come and help her by giving the eye drop present in the drawer. When Xiang took the eye drop out, and saw on the medicine that she is allergic to dust and is very careless. She said give it fast mom its itching, he gave it to her and when she asked for hand to get down from the ladder he gave that also and after holding his hand she was surprised but she controlled it up to getting down from the ladder. She just started shouting and twisted Xiang's hand and asked are you a thief or a hooligan. He said relax your heartbeat is very fast I think it is about to explode. She said stop joking around and tell me what 's your motive. He again said relax if I were a thief I would have just stolen some things, why would I be helping a careless lady like you. She says right you have a point. Then Li says in amazement that oh you are Mrs. Xiao's driver he says no then she again holds his hands tightly and starts shouting. Hearing the noise from the house both ladies rushed inside, and Xiang when sees his mom shouted ma and she comes rushing there. Li then understood the whole confusion slowly she left his hands and, in his ears, she said sorry for which he also replied it's okay. And in this whole confusion she had eye drops in her eyes so she was unable to see anything. But Xiang was able, and he saw a pretty dolphin bracelet Li was wearing. He wasn't able to take his eyes off from that bracelet for a minute but then his mom asked him to take her home. Mrs. Bai sees them off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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