3. Stupid Webs

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Warnings: soulamtes!au, reader has arachnophobia

Summary: when someone turns twenty, they see the red thread of fate. But you, you saw a spider web.


You could write a fucking ten volume thesis on why life sucks. Like literally. Because:-

You had arachnophobia.There were bloody lot number of arachnids in the world.You realised you have a job interview in an hour.And wait. Waking up and finding yourself covered in something sticky was the last thing you wanted.

So naturally you screamed. No regrets, of course. And in your opinion, you had every fucking right to do so. It's not everyday you wake up in sticky stuff (no dirt, please) which you firmly believe is nothing other than spider webs.

There was a shuffling outside your door, and you saw a tuft of blonde hair poking into your room.

"Y/n, everything alright?" Gwen asked as she slowly entered the room.

You could have conjured some creative swears like, 'bucky boobies' or 'kiss my sass, but does everything look alright?', but you were hinged from the edge of the bed, not to mention, with a spider web (or spider webs?) and you pounced on keeping your mouth shut.

But anyway. "There is a fucking spiderweb around me! Sticky and ew," you tried not to throw up at the mammoth amount of web and idea of a bloody nine feet spider.

Gwen passed you a pointed look, and twirling on the ball of her feet muttered something which you hardly cared about at the moment.

A second passed. And then another. Finally your roommate let out a huge breath (and when you tell it's huge, just fucking believe it already), finally looking at you. "A web? A transparent web?"

You wanted to yeet and jump on your feet but the sight of your half body that was a centimetre away from the floor, genuinely stressed Gwen.

"It's around me," you whimpered. "Sp-spi-spIDER WEB!"

"What day is it? Wait-" waiting with a web around you wasn't on your priority list but you didn't blink in agreement. "It's your birthday, darling! You are twenty!"

You barked out a laugh. "Really? What a way to ruin my day! I've an interview at Oscorp... like in forty-five minutes?"

"You don't understand!" Gwen scratched the roots of her silky hair, blinking her eyes unnaturally. "It's the red fate day for you!"

"Except it isn't a red string I see," you quipped nonchalantly, quite forgetting about spiders. "It's a web."

There was a sudden sound, one that you would describe as an expired elastic (or is it, malfunctioning?) and the ropes of firm yet fragile looking webs snapped, causing you to tumble straight onto the floor, headfirst, mind you. You groaned loudly, rubbing your nose while Gwen had her hands tightly clasped onto her mouth, trying to subdue her laugh.

"Oscorps," Gwen gave a tight lipped grin, tapping the door with her fist,"in forty."

"Happy fucking birthday to me."


Peter only felt a constricting movement as if his limbs were contorted and there was a loud, deafening scream (definitely, Aunt Mae's good morning) straight over him. Wait, really?

He blinked and squinted in the harsh sunlight and his first thought was to focus his vision on Aunt Mae.

But no.

He screamed.

Not out of fear (well, partly, yes out of fear) but at the fact that he was covered in webs. His own webs? Maybe. Maybe not.

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