Unexpected People/Your Defense part2

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Reiner: right, attack first, lets go Bertholdt

*reiner makes the first move rushing out towards levi*

Bertholdt: reiner, you shouldn't just- ...fine, lets do this

Ymir: yea, the first strike always win, the clown gets it, bet he gets his ass cut off

Krista: they're our strongest

Ymir: hey what about me?

Krista: you're the strongest too ymir

*Bertholdt runs to catch up behind reiner but is cut off by mikasa charging towards him, Bertholdt swiftly raises his sword to block*

Bertholdt: you're fast

Mikasa: so you cant be slow

*their swords clash echoing throughout the area, mikasa slashing at him aggressively, the most Bertholdt can do is defend, he keeps his composure as he barley evades her strikes*

Bertholdt: mikasa ackerman right? You're fast, will you protect my princess?

Mikasa: that girl does not concern me, but if she would be the new queen i guess i would have no choice

Bertholdt: i would like to see your skills, please by all means don't hold back

Mikasa: you want me to kill you?

Bertholdt: heh you're confident, im glad, kind of wish i had that

Mikasa: you made it this far, you must have something

Bertholdt: not something, someone

Mikasa: I'd say that girl? Annie?

Bertholdt: ...

Mikasa: we've only just met and I've seen you glance at her several times now, she is important to you?

Bertholdt: she is

Mikasa: and you want me to protect her?

Bertholdt: I'd be grateful to you

Mikasa: dont be, show me your skills, i dont like easy kills

Bertholdt: good, and if you do kill me, at least ill know she will be ok

*mikasa swiftly dashes side to side towords Bertholdt, she jumps to come crashing down her blade against his, the force of the impact staggers him, before he can back away to recover mikasa runs to him relentlessly slashing at him, he tries his best to read her movements, he stays defending on guard when suddenly with all his force he strikes at her blade instead of her effectively making her stumble just enough to follow up, as soon as she stumbles she realizes and pulls out another blade to block him*

Bertholdt: a duel wielder

Mikasa: going all out right? You'rer good at defending

Bertholdt: you're good at attacking

*her attacks are faster and become more fierce, defending is even more straining now, he can feel the pressure, he sees annie in the corner of his eye and slips falling to the ground, mikasa pointing a blade at him*

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