I'm happy, are you?

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Alex had just finished calling Addison Montgomery about Meredith's trial, and she told him she would email him a letter of recommendation.

He's flipping through the phone book deciding who to call next when he sees her name.

He thinks he should go over, but it is Izzie after all. She would definitely say something positive for Meredith. And so, without even giving him a chance to think about it too much, his fingers press her contact.

He waits a few seconds, and is about to hang up when he hears her voice after years. 


 she says, her voice as crisp and cheerful as she remembered it. "Izzie? Hi," he hears her gasp on the other end of the phone before she reacts. "Oh my god, Alex Karev? Is that really you?" he rasps. "Yes, it's me" "Woah, it's... it's good to hear from you" "Yeah...you too..." he says looking down as the memories slowly flood back. "Um, I...I called you for Meredith, she's... in trouble" he hears her chuckle on the other end of the phone "What did she do?" "Well, she switched her patient's name with her daughter's name to get her a life saving surgery since her father didn't have insurance... and now she's facing medical licensing, so I'd need you to write a letter of recommendation or something" "Woah, well, not that unexpected, it is Meredith after all" she laughs. "Yeah" he says. "Okay, well...I'll email it to you, okay?" "Yeah, that's great, thanks" he replies. 

Silence falls between the two, before she asks "How are you Alex?" "I'm fine" "Well, are you married? Do you have... kids, how are you?" she asks. He sighs, a small smile growing on his face as he plays with his wedding ring. "Yes, I'm married. We don't have kids, well, not yet at least" he can hear her smile too, even though he can't see her. "And what are you now? What's your specialty? And you?""Pediatrics, I'm a pediatric surgeon, and she's a surgeon too, general surgeon""Wow, I'm happy for you Alex, I see you've grown" she giggles, and he does the same. "Well, you could say that. How about you? How are you doing? Are you married? Have you-" he is interrupted by the voices of children talking in the background, singing, as she tells them she is on the phone. "Children..." there is a moment of silence, before she answers. "Yes...yes actually. Two, twins, they're six years old, Alexis and Eli," she says. "Wow" "Yeah...and now I'm a cancer surgeon, and I'm married" "Woah Izzie, I'm really happy for you" she says sincerely. " Alex," she says, after a moment of silence. "It was nice to hear your voice again" "Yeah, for me it is, the same..." "Okay, so... um, I'll send you the letter... by email.." "Yes" she sighs. "Bye Alex" "Goodbye Izzie" , she says hanging up.

Sighing, he sets the phone down on the kitchen island, next to all the papers and the list of people to call. He is deep in thought as he takes a sip of his beer.

Suddenly the door to the loft opens, and Jo appears, smiling at him. "Hey," she greets him. "Hey you," he smiles, drawing her in for a quick kiss. "So, how did it go?" "Good, I managed to call everyone" "Well, I'm glad, and Meredith will be too" she says, shaking his hand with hers before turning to the fridge and grabbing a beer for herself. "Are you okay?" she asks him, seeing his thoughtful expression. "I called Izzie" she freezes for a moment "Oh" then sets the bottle down on the shelf and sits down in front of him. "How is it...how did it go?" "Good. She's moved on with her life. She has two kids and a husband, so...she's happy," she sighs, fiddling with his fingers. "Are you okay?" "Yeah... yeah, just... it was weird, hearing from her after years, but..." he smiles "I'm happy for her, really" he says, and she gives him a small smile back. "And?" "We've both moved on...so I'm happy...and I'm happy with you" he says, smiling at her. Jo giggles, leaning forward to peck at his lips. "I love you," he whispers to her. "I love you too."

I've had this in mind for a while. Well, let me know how you liked it in the comments ✨

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