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After I knew Kim was sleeping soundly, I snuck out of the castle, the tesla coil stinging me slightly on the way out. Kim got her jetpack, and we got drunk, they don’t call me “Druncan” for nothing! I walked out of the walls of our secure castle, and down into the trees. I was walking towards the old factory, it was starting to fall apart, Lewis and Simon packing up and leaving haven’t helped much either.


Dirt was covering some of the surrounding buildings, and most of the lights were broken. I remember what It was like back then, when it was just us three, messing around, not really knowing what was going on. Hannah would be miles away with Nilesy, and Sips Co. would be everywhere really, moving around, mostly being bloody annoying.


It was getting darker and darker, and I kept walking further away from the safety of our castle. It was scary out in the real world, monsters were around every corner. I had a goal though, I was going to find Rythian, Zoey, and Teep. I wasn't going to kill them though, not attack them, but apologise. Kim was happy, and sweet, and she was changing me, making me regret some things.


I wanted to change a few things, solve some problems. I can solve problems.. right? I’m a scientist, a very smart one at that, I can fix all the bad things I have done in my past, right?


I sat in in the cover of trees, and looked at the basalt brick structure. There were a few lights shining out of the small windows, and a power flower hovered above everything. Teep paced in front of the main door, with a bow in his grasp. I stepped forward, and with astonishing speed, there was an arrow pointed at my head. Rythian burst through the door, his emerald sword in his hand. Zoey peeked her head around the corner, her blowgun in her pale hand.


Rythian whispered something to Teep, and he lowered his bow, and stepped into the doorway. Zoey still stood there, watching my every move.


“What do you want?” Rythian was enraged.

“I came to apologize,” I took a step forward, and he stayed put.

“Okay, Come inside,” he stepped out of the way of the door, causing Zoey to scurry away from the door.

Once I stepped inside, I talked with Rythian and Zoey, I apologized, and they said they understood. I still felt guilty, Sjin seemed to have forgotten, but the feeling lingered with me.

(hehehehe this never happend video wise did it?????? I feel proud, but also really concerned because I want people to like this, but I wanna be different, you know? OK i'm going to shutup now, Happy Readin')

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