Chapter Three: The Lighthouse

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I don't know how this town survives. Where these people eat, where these people work. What these people do. I suppose I'm not one to comment on that last one though, I don't do anything.


The next week I managed to stall my mother long enough to arrive late. I didn't want to be stuck alone with the twins again, so it was best if I showed up while class was already in session. It's not like I was missing much. She wasn't very happy about it, and she complained and grumbled the whole way, but, I'm here now, and it was worth it, because Callie and Carson are not standing outside of the building looking at me this time.

Eillie looks up in surprise when I enter the classroom.

"Darcy! You're late!" She calls out. She says it as if it's something I don't already know, like it's a helpful tidbit of information to remember for next time.

"I know." I reply.


We're actually starting to work on exercises now, to develop our art skills. I think you probably have to have skill in order to develop it, and I do not. I just have another picture of a door. We're working on shading techniques today though, so this one is crosshatched.

I still hate it.

Eillie says we won't have to share anything yet until at least next week. Another setback in the doomsday clock, but each step back comes with two steps forward. Armageddon creeps closer.

I think I'll actually finish this door before I start scribbling it out. The crosshatching doesn't look the worst, it gives it a dark feel that I think suits it. I think there's something behind this door, and so I start drawing it. I'm not sure what it is yet, a tendril of some kind, a tentacle maybe. I was always fascinated by myths of the kraken as a child. Maybe that's what was behind the door, just a big, giant-

"Hey Darcy. What're you working on?" Rana's voice nearly makes me jump out of my skin, and I slam my notebook shut. I must not have noticed her approaching and sitting down next to me, I don't know how. Too busy thinking about krakens I guess.

"Whoa, sorry, didn't mean to startle you. I'm sorry." She says. I relax a little, but still, she should not have seen anything. Why was she here? Interacting with me? I was even wearing my jumpsuit today and everything.

"It's alright." I say. She looks at me for a second, like she's waiting for me to say more, but I don't.

"Ok, ok." Says Rana. It means nothing, it's just sounds. But it puts the ball back in my court, conversation wise. It's a smart move, and I respect the play.

"What are you doing over here?" I ask, glancing around the room. The twins are keenly eyeing us from the other side of class, and Gabe is hunched over his own sketchbook on a desk near the front, frantically working with coloured pencil crayons.

"Well, honestly, I think you're a bit weird." She says, gingerly. She expects it to be something that will hurt me, she doesn't know how I'll react. But she says it anyway. I have to appreciate that honesty, and it doesn't hurt at all of course, it's exactly what I want to hear.

"But I saw the twins dragging you off last week, and well..." She continues. "You didn't look very happy about it, so I thought I'd offer you a way out. Just so you don't have to deal with that again."

"What are you proposing?" I ask.

"Well, me and Gabe were gonna go hang out by the lighthouse after class, you're welcome to come along if you like. You can tell them you've got plans already, just, don't bring them with you, please."

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