Alternate Ending (Part 1): The One (Also Mary Sue rant)

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I'm gonna split this into two parts:
1) Why I want a different ending &
2) The ending itself.

Good plan? I'm not gonna hear you anyways.

America herself is the definition of Mary Sue. She is so painfully normal that she's the most beautiful girl in Illea. Let's be real here, you have to be more than average to be beautiful. This in itself is contradictory.

Also, as a musician, I can't help but criticize her music making skills. I forget which, but I believe she said that she trained herself in violin, or her mom taught her. (If you know, please clarify which.) From what I could tell, she didn't practice all that much, and even the best of musicians have to practice. All the skill in the world can't make up for your practicing. And then she ends up being a beautifully played musician.

And all this leads up to why I want to make a different ending:
As a Mary Sue, her luck is extremely high. The bitch was disrespectful and rude to the prince and King themselves and she got to stay. Any other bitch would've been out of there in a heartbeat. But since she's a Mary Sue, she's like everyone else but at the same time not because she doesn't get the bad consequences and gets all the good ones.
For instance: she brought up a controversial topic: dismantling the castes and basically overthrowing the government. I agree with her, the castes were messed up. But on the other hand, you don't just say that you disagree with the government!!! Not when its a government with little to no rights... Not to mention that she was basically agreeing with the rebels, who were killing people and trying to create an anarchy. A normal person would've been killed or at least imprisoned for treason. But no, because she's a Mary Sue, America wasn't even slightly punished. She got on the bad side of the king, so what? Her punishment should've been much worse.
Because of this, I want to change her luck to a more realistic person's luck.

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