Chapter 15

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I heard a scream. But it's not mine. "Mom!" I whisper, "Why would she-" I don't have time to answer before I hear my dad shout from the bedroom, "Nichole! Hurry! To the bedroom!"

Without any hesitation, I sprint to the stairwell and jump down to the next level. I feel my heart beat faster than its ever beaten before as I open the bedroom door and see my mom lying on the ground, here eyes are glassy and she has a deep gash running through her chest. Blood covers the floor leaving her in a large puddle of red liquid. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I scream as I feel my head getting lighter. "Your mom-" my dad starts as he grabs a towel and clenches it over moms chest, "She was attacked by-" Suddenly I hear running footsteps outside on the balcony. I run out side the big double doors that lead to the large beachfront balcony and see a girl in red, jump down onto the sandy beach. I scream in anger and run to the edge, then without a second thought, I launch myself off the balcony. I clench my teeth as I land on my feet at the bottom. I shriek as I see the girl in red start heading to the ocean.

"COME BACK HERE NOW!!!" I scream as I sprint after the red figure. As soon as she reaches the edge of the sand, I plow into her with a the strength my body can muster, sending her sprawling off her feet, and me, still clinging to her, into the ocean. I don't let go as she drags me downward, deeper and deeper, and I hold my breath, because I know as soon as I turn, the girl will swim back to the beach and run, while I wait to get legs back.

As the girl starts trying to pull me off , while still holding me under, I punch her and kick her until she has no choice but to swim back to the surface.
When she finally surfaces, I try to take a deep breath, but then she pulls me down so suddenly that I breath in a mouthful of water and feel a burning pain hit my legs like lightning bolt. Then she resurfaces to get a breath of real air for herself. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! WHOEVER YOU ARE I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!!!" The girl smiles, "I want you..." She says with an evil grin,"DEAD" Her smile turns as sharp as daggers as her teeth begin to turn into sharp points and her eyes start to become blood red. "Your that girl from my dream!!! I shriek as her legs start to weld into a long shark tail. "My, my, my! It's seems as the little baby has turned into a scary cat!" Coral hisses. I blink slowly, "Really?! That's the best you can come up with?! Baby and Scary Cat?! It's not like I'm three..." Coral snaps, "Oh you think your so clever! How do you like this?!" Without another word Coral grabs my arm and sinks her sharp teeth down into my flesh and swims away, splashing me with her big tail as she dives down.
I squeeze my arm as blood pours out from her small puncture marks. I feel light headed as I drag myself out onto the sand where I faint head first...

The End....

Book 2 Is out but you can only find it on my profile for some reason...

Book 2 = Blue Eyes

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