Meet and Bathe

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Story Created: 1/16/22

2:38 P.M. – The Spies' Beach House

It was another regular day off for the spies at their beach house. Nick and Mat were also there, along with Britney. Blaine was on his way.

"Sammy, you up for a swim?" Alex asked, peeking into Sam's room.

Sam and Mat were having a tender moment together.

"A little later," Sam answered.

"I'll come with her, later, too," Mat added.

"Okay, sorry if I interrupted you," Alex quipped.

"You didn't," Sam responded.

Alex nodded and left them be. She then knocked on the door to Clover's room and peeked inside.

"Swim, Clover?" Alex asked.

"Later," Clover answered. "I'm waiting for Blaine-y."

"I'll come," Nick told Alex after she closed Clover's bedroom door.

"Okay," Alex grinned as she and Nick shared a kiss.

Nick went to get his swim shorts as Alex checked with Britney.

"Coming," Britney replied.

Alex went to check the weather outside again. It was sunny and hardly a cloud in the sky, much to Alex's delight.

She was about to go away when something rustled nearby, which got Alex's attention. Putting her wardrobe change on hold, Alex went to check it out.

"Now, what was out here?" Alex wondered.

While she scouted the backyard, Nick came outside in his own swim shorts to see Alex not even in her bathing suit yet.

"Huh," Nick quipped. "Usually you're in your swimsuit by now. What's up?"

Alex, who appeared to be startled by Nick's call, told him about what she thought she saw outside.

"Hmm, that sounds interesting," Nick replied. "Let's go check it out."

Both Alex and Nick discovered it was a small dog. It was near the shed.

"Oh, wow," Alex reacted when she got a whiff. "He smells like he hasn't bathed recently."

"I wonder if he's missing," Nick commented. "What do you think, Alex?"

He then saw Alex was not there anymore. Nick was about to call out to Alex when she did return.

"Hey, Nick?" Alex asked. "Do you think we should give him or her a bath before we try to find the owner?"

"I think that'd be a good idea," Nick answered. "You know, just in case."

Nick slowly approached the dog, hoping to make a good first impression. Luckily, the dog seemed to like him, letting Nick guide her over to the other side so he and Alex could give the dog a bath.

"Wow, that worked," Alex quipped.

"I'm honestly pretty good with dogs," Nick admitted. "Now, what's your name?"

Nick checked the dog for tags, and he quickly found what he was looking for.

"Okay, so her name is Delilah, and she's a Great Pyrenees," Nick stated as he checked the dog's tags. "That saves us a few steps."

"Let's get to work!!" Alex proclaimed.

While Nick and Alex gave the dog a bath, Alex wondered why Nick was so good with dogs. He'd never talked about that before, to be fair.

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