1-Camilo's Ceremony

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Before we start, I will introduce my OCs!!!

Rosa Ortiz- a Costa Rican girl with dark, loose curls and green eyes. around 5' 4", 15 like Camilo unless stated otherwise, loves to wear pretty dresses and dance, very social, can be a little too persistent... is best friends with Camilo and has a huge crush on him. Gets along with everyone at the Casita. (yes even Abuelita Alma)

Diego Ortiz- Rosa's father, weaves baskets and sells them at the market, very protective of his daughters, but still gives them space. Has a dead wife, she was why they moved to Encanto.

Maya Ortiz- Rosa's Older sister, 3 years Older, hangs out with isabella occasionally and loves to tease Rosa about Camilo. She is engaged to someone in the village nicknamed Tito, but he doesn't matter


  Chapter 1

          My family moved to Encanto when I was four. I don't remember much from when we lived in Costa Rica, but I can vividly remember dancing with mi Mami all through the house while mi papa y mi Hermana cooked dinner. Mi papa tells me that that was one of the last peaceful nights we had as a family. My mother was shot and killed 2 short weeks after. We left the next day. When we arrived in the village, a bunch of amazing people welcomed us and helped us build our casa. Just a few short weeks later, we were invited to Camilo Madrigal's gift ceremony! I will forever remember that day, the day I met my best friend. Our family was greeted at the door by a tall man wearing all green. He told mi papa that the ceremony would take place Before dinner, and his sister was making her famous arepas! the house, for lack of a better word, is awesome! Casita moved and changed like it was alive! Casita even gave us a tour of the house! The house showed us where we could stand as then the lights dimmed, and then Senorita Alma stepped up to the podium.

          "Forty years ago, in our darkest moment, this candle blessed us with a miracle. And the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community. Tonight, we come together once more as another child steps into the light to make us proud." with that, everyone turned to the curtains, Camilo tells me that he freaked out, and he almost started crying when the curtains opened, but the truth is, he walked up to his door like he owned the place. The only way you could see he was nervous was when his Abuela Asked "Will you use your gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this community and strengthen our home?" He slightly stuttered his answer:

          "Y-yes." Alma smiled down at him, then bent down to let him touch the candle, and after a moment's hesitation, he grabbed his door handle. Suddenly, He shifted into his Mami! Abuela Alma's eyes widened, but she still turned to face us and called, "We have a new miracle!" As everyone cheered, Camilo (Who now looked like his sister Dolores) opened his door. Inside, A huge room with a loft appeared. The loft was his actual bed, nightstand, dresser, etc. but below was the cool part! Floor-to-ceiling mirrors covered the walls, with a bunch of cool seating in front of a stage. A band started to play, and everyone filed into the room! I remember being intimidated, and mi papa says I had to be coaxed into the room, but I will never regret that I walked in, because I met Cami! Our first interaction went a little like this: I walk into the room and immediately seek out food. As soon as I find the snack table, I grab a few arepa con queso, only to bump into... myself? I shriek, Camilo bursts out laughing, I join him eventually, and then he steals one of my arepas so I smack him and he turns back into himself. Turns out Camilo Couldn't figure out how to turn back into himself and a good smack was all he needed. Then as kids do, we decided to become friends. (before he even knew my name!) Needless to say, our beginning was a little odd. But, over time, we became closer and by Mirabel's ceremony just a few weeks later we were inseparable.


          Speed forward 10 years and we are just as close, if not closer. I am at the Casita every day and join them for breakfast a few times a week, such as today. The only one missing is Mirabel and Camilo, but today will be a hard day for her, so we let Mirabel sleep in. Oh, I can't believe I forgot to tell you! TODAY IS ANTONIOS GIFT CEREMONY!!! Anyways, I walk up to Cami's room and wake him up with my customary slamming the doors open."WAKE UP CAMI!!!" I holler "TODAY IS TONITOS GIFT CEREMONY!!!" I am unsurprised when Camilo barely stirs, as always. "Casita, ladder please!" casita brings the ladder down before I even finish speaking, and I climb up to the loft and rip the covers of the bed.

          "Rosa..." Camilo whines, His voice muffled by the pillow. "give my covers back!" I don't even know why he tries this anymore. I do this like, every day!

          "No, Cami, Breakfast is starting!" Honestly, this is how Ninety-five percent of mornings start for me at the casita. This next part is the hardest part. When Camilo rolls over onto his back, my face gets so hot it could fry an egg. It's hard to stay calm when your long-time crush who happens to sleep without a shirt on gives you a clear view of his abs.          "Fiiiiiiinneeee... Wait did you say breakfast?"

          "Yes, and Julieta's Making her Famous Arepas!" I holler, Already leaving, because I do not want to embarrass myself by staring at his abs like I have caught myself doing many, many times.

I hear a "yesssss..." before leaving and shutting the door behind me. I can tell today will be eventful.

Yay! the first chapter is done! I appreciate y'all reading!!! Have a wonderful day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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