Cabin In The Woods

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It was dark. Through the leaves, I could see the plain, bleak, sky. I was running. From what? I don't know. But there it was. I walk upon the porch, a window slightly ajar. I see a door, and I intervene. Suddenly, the door slams behind me. I whirl around to see nobody there. "It was just the wind." I say to myself. This seemed to catharsis my fear. "I'll sleep here tonight, then."

Around a corner, there was a hallway with a few doors. The first three doors were a bathroom and a couple of closets. But the last, a luxurious bedroom with a massive painting hung on the wall. It must've been a picture of the previous owner of the cabin. The perfect living quarters for the night. But the second the very end of my toe touched the wood of the floor, I began to stubify. I could've sworn the room was spinning. The face in the portrait seemed to step out of its canvas. Sadly, this room was clearly not my domain. I quickly escaped the room and resulted to the living room couch. I tried very hard to alleviate this stay in such an unknown area, but I just lay restless.

The night left me with a sleepless and dreary aftermath. I slowly stood up, realinzing where I was, better put, where I wasn't. I was no longer in the room where I spent the night, but in the room. The room with painting. I hear a distinct laughter behind me. I jumped forward and quickly turned around. In the place of the picture, stood a tall man. "You might... die today." He spoke, taking breaths in between words. I was terrified, almost fainting. "I am a... very candor... man. I speak... truth." He obviously knew I was scared. I wanted to demur the fact, but I couldn't. I closed my eyes tightly to try and alleviate the man. But, in the end, all I saw was the light.

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