Chapter Eight

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Season Two, Episode Fourteen: Love in the Time of Hydra

"You like fried chicken? Ours is the best in the county." The waitress spoke, Rhonda, with a slight southern drawl, giving us a sincere smile as she waited for Agent 33 to place her order. 

"I - I'm not sure, I guess I need another minute." Agent 33 stuttered slightly, her gaze remaining on the menu in front of her. It was clear that she wasn't used to being 'out in the wild' without having Whitehall or other Hydra agents breathing down her neck. I couldn't help but feel sympathy toward the woman, regardless of what she had done. Agent 33 had been mind-controlled, her free will had been stripped away. 

"Of course." Rhonda gave a small smile toward Agent 33 before turning her attention to Ward. "What about you handsome?" 

"I think I'll try the pumpkin pancakes," Ward replied, handing her the menu with a small smile on his face. 

"Good choice." The waitress then turned her attention to me. "And what can I get you, sugar?" 

"I'll just have a black coffee, dark roast," I spoke, mustering up the best smile I could as I handed her my menu. 

"Of course," She nodded at me before turning her attention back to Agent 33. "Do you need another minute?" Agent 33 nodded her head, prompting the waitress to speak again. "How 'bout I grab y'all some pecan syrup while your friend makes up her mind." 

The second her back was turned to us, the smile dropped from my face, the corners of my mouth turning down into a frown. My fingers toyed with the hem of my shirt as I kept my gaze on the table, staying silent rather than engaging in conversation with the other two. As of late, it felt like I was forcing a smile on my face more often than not. Being on the run with Ward and Agent 33 had put my life into perspective more and more with each passing day. 

I was now an enemy to my team, at least to those who didn't know my mission, and I couldn't even blame them because I was the one stupid enough to put myself in this position. My love for Ward, which wouldn't fade no matter how much I fought against it, and my willingness to go on this mission had put a target on my back. Not to mention the fact that, regardless of the downsides that came with being with Ward, I couldn't help the warmth in my chest when Ward and I were together, at least when we weren't hunting someone down or hurting innocent people. 

"Melanie?" A female voice broke me from my thoughts, causing me to look up at Agent 33, my eyes widening slightly when I saw her looking at me expectantly. 


Agent 33 rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face. "I asked why you didn't get any food." 

"Oh." I paused, pursing my lips. "I'm just not that hungry." 

"You okay?" The question came from Ward who was frowning down at me when I looked to my side at him. 

I rolled my shoulders, trying to release every modicum of tension that was in my body before speaking. "Yeah, I'm okay." I knew that I looked worse for wear. The last few weeks had been spent nursing Ward back to health, being on the run, and trying to force back the constant thoughts about my team. At the look of doubt that crossed Ward's face, I knew he didn't believe me, so I reached out a hand to grasp his knee, giving it a small squeeze. "Really, I'm just tired." 

The doubtful look still on his face told me that I hadn't been as convincing as I had hoped to be. "Are you sure?" He pressed, his hand reaching out to mine, which was still on his knee. Just as he opened his mouth to speak again, I saw his gaze go over to the other side of the cafe, where our target was now on the move. "Looks like we're a go." 

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