Lazy Moment

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As in one of my lazy moments I talked about anjelo and how him and bruno got together now time for some talking

-Anjelo is a tall kind and honest man he's also a God person and is a litarlly a simp for bruno anjelo is really into awkward and jumpy boys and anjelo complaining about some of brunos aspects is soemthign rare anjelo love bruno top to bottom

-how anjelo shows his love for bruno is like a present your never knows what inside and by that I mean you never know what he's up to next one minute he could try making a pot for bruno and another he tried making glass art or another he might leave the encanto for a few days just to come back all bruised up and comes back wiht gold

-anjelo has a big pride when it comes to his love for bruno he would scream to the world that they had sex and he wouldn't feel ashamed

-of course anjelo has his own limitations and doesn't really do them wihtout bruno knowing

Anjelo reaction to raminita would  be priceless


Now for more Lazy shit some incorrect quotes

Bruno: 'picks up raminita'

Raminita: 'drops cheese and proceeds to scream like a cat'

Bruno cradles raminita: aw it's ok babyyy it's ok!

Anjelo in the background jelouse

Here's an idea i had  its called the evil Madrigal au

-this is an au where Pedro's family has an evil blood line Pedro eventually finds out that alma had been cheating on him with a ginger (my explain towards pepas ginger hair) and this leads to Pedros evil person show and Pedro kills alma out of anger

-the candle turns to magic but instead of a miracle it turns into the curse where the powers are only made to create chaos and  and evil

-Pedro takes the three baby's and when he sees pepa he only looks at it in cold and discust but towards bruno and Julieta it was a warm and kind 

-when they turned 5 things changed almost terribly

-when they got there gifts pepa gained the power to control the weather but Pedro's till blinding by hatred still considered about pepa being the gingers real kid

-when Julieta got the gift of healing Pedro only saw little of use  to it as it only helped not make things worse

-bruno got the ability to see the future and Pedro was already imaging chaos and bruno getting a evil reputation and decided to have bruno as the next one to hold the candle

-as Pedro predicted due to brunos powers bruno ended having bad predictions and this leads to everyone fearing him this made Pedro even more happier

-bruno is upset that he can't make any friends but Pedro teaches him something that friends are just fake and they don't actually love you this leads to brunos telanovelas  being all toxic and cruel

-when they got older Julieta and pepa end up falling in love but meanwhile for bruno he grew awkward and  due to his reputation no one wanted to be his lover

-bruno ends up meeting a fellow enemy named anjelo and anjelo felt love strucked

-this began to the point anjelo tried to convinced Pedro that they would be a good couple but Pedro didn't like the idea of bruno getting together wiht someone

-when Dolores was born pedro finally was convinced and allow bruno and anjelo being a couple and get married soon this makes anjelo so happy and bruno a bit Confused but accepts it anywasy

-things were going smoothly until mirabels ceramony she didn't received a gift and this changed everyone's perspective of her expect for a few people  this included pedro himself who still saw some worth in mirabel as she needed was some motivation

-Pedro assigned bruno into training mirabel into becoming evil and teach mirabel the ways of mischief

-this training leads to bruno and mirabel growing a father and daughter bond like no other and this leads to mirabel thinking that bruno and anjelo are her real parents almost completely ghosting the madrigals

-during the presents mirabels doesn't know that much of the rest of the madrigal family as she stays in her comfort zone

-bruno plans to pulls mirabel out of her comfort down and show mirabel somethign beyond the madrigal household


OK so i check my notifications and aperantly I realized 8 had an au called politics... It was for an idea I had for evil bruno and good bruno and 8 just recently had an idea for it

(note that just like my other au's Explaination i made idk which chapter was that there is a chance they might change once i plan on actually doing it)

Au: politics

Au info: there were rumors about an infamous spirite called "brandoo and the misfits"  an strange spirit who committed suicide and takes a form of a similarly form of a person named bruno madrigal

Brandoo is a vengeful person and grows a interest or an inspiring like feelign towards bruno seeing him as someone who he kins Brandoo has been spying on bruno for many years and one days meets a fellow raider who wants bruno as property Brandoo reluctantly agrees under the conditions that they share

Brandoo is a bitter person and uses one persons sadness or negative emotions as a way to minipluate someone now for the ideas board

-Brandoo gets a bit to greedy to the point that he breaks there deal

-Brandoo kidnaps the madrigals to get along with them so that either he could use there trust for a plan or for somthing else or because the raider betrayed Brandoo and needs help (this will also how I plan brandoo to understand everyone more better)

-bruno begins to understand Brandoo a bit more better

-the raider has some connection to Pedro and his death


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