can we trust you-

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"So you're Kim Asavari-?" He asked.

"In the flesh," she replied,"and I know your plan is."

"It's not gonna work,trust me. Plus,i'm even working for my dad." She continued

"Really?" Ni-ki said surprised.

She nodded her head,"In fact, i'm probably his biggest enemy..."

Asavari explained how her dad,Kim Mingyu,hated her for no reason and always treated her badly ever since her mother died 5 years ago. She was forced to work for him as a mafia but eventually went solo. She hasn't seen him in months.

"So if you're not working for him and he hates you,why did our boss send us to kidnap you?" Ni-ki asked confused.

"I don't really know," Asavari said,"but i do know that you guys have to trust me."

She then explained that she had the information the boys needed concerning the 1 billion won and her dad's company as a whole.Ri-ki was hesitant about trusting Asavari. However,this is information that their boss and they themselves need.

"Ni-ki, did you find her?" Sunoo said through the walkie-talkie.

"Yeah,meet me by the old parking lot." He responded.

The two 16 year olds just stared at each other for what felt like forever until the other 6 came. Ni-ki explained the whole situation to them immediately.

"It could all be a big,fat lie though," Sunghoon blurted.

"Yeah,how do you know she's not just trying to trick into her father's scheme?" Jay said.

Asavari was about to burst but she kept her cool as to make the situation.

"Guys,I don't know what information she has exactly but i feel like we can trust her." Ni-ki affirmed .

Although they were still unsure about her, they agreed that they would let her help with their future duties.

"You will not regret this." Asavari assured.

Since it was already close to midnight,they decided to head home. Ni-ki suggested that Asavari stay with them in the dorm for the night. At first, they all said no but they eventually allowed it.

When they got back to the dorm, they all went totheir rooms. Since it  had 7 rooms and 8 people,someone was gonna have to sleep on the couch.

"You can sleep on my bed Asavari" Sunoo said with a smile.

The girl was surprised but grateful. After about 20 minutes, they were all in dreamland. What will happen tomorrow?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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