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(Hello please read this if you want to this ISNT really a part of any fandom or things. Just a fun thing for a friend.)

Five men on nobelleens rushed through flowery plains. A change of scenery from what they must've been used to in the dictatorship that they more or less saw as a home. Of course, they had higher permissions than others from the union. Considering they were actually outside of the Union's grounds, they had to be a higher-up when it came to the social pyramid.

"I'm gonna be honest." One man said as the nobelleens slowed down, nearing the destination of the Kalotonian Empire. He had wavy brown hair that now seemed frazzled from the journey of him atop his steed.
"Just to break the ice. The tension. I understand we had strict orders to not read the scroll. But I couldn't help myself and I'm sure you all would like to know what was stated in it"

The four other men looked at him in disbelief, bringing their nobelleens to a halt. One spoke up.
"Why on earth would you read it!? You know you could have this whole troop executed!" He would say in a panicked tone. Obviously assuming the worst. That was until another spoke up.

"Out of everyone here. Of course you read it. You're the only one idiotic enough to breach something with that kind of classification. And on top of that, to tell us that you did! I could turn you in. I would plausibly knock my own rank up. It would be nice to get a deadweight off of this team anyways."

The brown haired man's face flushed, drowning out his previously snarky and excited expression. "Well I'm sure you'd want to know if you'd be drafted in a war or not. Especially if you ranked up. Blood would be on YOUR hands. Thousands of lives taken. All because of you."

The two who hadn't seemed as interested, now had their full attention on the rambler. And he took it as a sign to say more.

"The scroll stated there is a new mission. To find the Rose Of Eternals.. whatever that is. Apparently it's of great worth to Kalotonian Empire. So the Union has offered help to find it, and to keep this secret safe. But it didn't specify any secret. BUT! It did request that in return, the Empire lets them through Kalotonian territories, and stops trading resources with The Kingdom of Noctocelia. As we are going to war with them sometime soon."
His snarky attitude returned as he finished his explanation, scanning his troop mate's concerned expressions.

"I say, we deliver the scroll, and then bail. I don't wanna go to war. But I do wanna find this Rose Of Eternals. Think about it! We go back to the Union, get the information we need, and go find it ourselves! Just the 5 of us!"
Waiting for an answer, he got none. He only saw the other four exchanging looks with each other. That was until the original aggressor spoke up once more.
"We wait and see. We don't even know if it's official.. but if push comes to shove, I'll tag along."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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