How Every Kanao Acts

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When they all got home, calm Kanao sat on the couch a took a nap. Mad Kanao started to yell at scared Kanao, Happy Kanao went with Lust Kanao to find Tanjiro.


"Yeah.. I think they're all the real Kanao just in diffrent emotions.." Tanjiro was speaking with Kanao's sister, Shinobu. "Ara ara.~ Well, why don't you give them names, then?" She then walked off. Tanjiro gave it deep thought. He was cut of by a hug from behind. He looked at the hands and realized it was Kanao. He blushed deeply, this was the first time he'd felt a woman's chest on his back. "Tanjiro!~ Let's cuddle.~" "I-I'd rather not.. I have to think of nicknames for you and your other selves." He heard a "hmm" sound, indicating she was pouting. "Kanao, maybe later." Tanjiro said, trying to cheer her up. "Okayyyyy.." Lust Kanao said and walked away. When Tanjiro looked forward after watching Kanao leave, he saw another Kanao there. "Tanjiro." She said in the most stern voice he's ever heard.


"Why the living hell are there other me's in the living room?!"

"P-please calm down! You were all one person but you all split into different people!"

Mad Kanao sighed and walked away. Tanjiro finally had a chance to walk to the living room, to see a Kanao hiding behind the couch. "Kanao! Are you okay?!" Tanjiro sounded worried for Scared Kanao who quickly looked at him and hugged him. "K-Kanao are you okay?" Tanjiro asked again, recieving a nod from Scared Kanao. He got hugged 5 more times and it turns out all of the Kanao's found him.

"Tanjiro can we cuddle now?"

"Sorry for yelling at you.."


"I found you!"



Tanjiro blushed 50 shades of red. His nose dripped red fluid, and Tanjiro passed out because there are 6 of his crush's hugging him.

If Kanao Split Into All of Her EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now