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10th February, 2011

Dear Diary:

Today I came back home and mum confronted me about how I was feeling. I remembered that horrid girl and what she said to me five days ago. I told mum all about it and she responded with "their just jealous", I walked away angrily. How did I even start to think about what mum said is beyond me but I started to believe it. I mean doesn't it take strength to walk out the door with no make-up and my head held high. The fact is after a lot of thinking for a couple of hours, I was finally going to fight for myself because I wasn't less than anyone else. 'They're not any better than I am' I thought and from that time on something in me changed. I've decided I'm going to fight to achieve my goals and not give up according to what someone tells me. I will make a change in this world. My dream you'd ask? Is to become the greatest person I can be. I hope for a world where no one feels like I did and I'll always try to stop that. I've changed in a good way, my dreams are higher for myself and I hope to one day save people from death because it's a very scary thought. But this inner journey is still progressing and I don't know when it's going to end all I know is that it won't be what I want but what I need to shape me into the person I was always meant to be.

Hope to talk to you soon signed


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