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When Rena got back to her aunt's house, there was no sign of the two parents or her cousins.
With a huff, she walked over to Rue's room and knocked on the door.

" Come in!" Rue shouted.
There was an awkward tension that surrounded both girls. They were very similar in their personalities.

Looking down at her feet and then up to meet Rue's curious eyes, she spoke bluntly.

"Ok listen, it wasn't my idea to come here and I'm pretty sure it's gonna fucking suck,  so if you could just not be a complete bitch to me and make it suck even more that would be great." She deadpanned.

Rue opened her mouth to respond but was completely shocked at Serena's statement.
She wasn't mad or even intimidated, she was amused in fact.

" Well shit." She laughed. "There goes my whole plan for the year."

Serena rolled her eyes and began to turn around and exit the room.
"Wait !" Rue stopped her "I'm just fuckin with you. You up for a party tonight?"

The death glare that was piercing Rue's  soul turned into a half smile.

Night had fallen and the two girls had finished getting ready. Rue of course went with her signature tomboy combo outfit and Rena decided on a simple green thigh-length bodycon dress and matching Jordan high tops.

They told their parents they were going to Rues friend Lexi's house to hang out when they were really gonna walk to McKay's house party.

Many cars passed them on their dark path down the road, but the sound of breaks squeaking caught Rena's attention.

"Yo Casper !" A female voice shouted. "Want a ride ?"

Rena looked over at her cousin to gauge whether or not these were friends or foe. The following response given was a shrug of  her shoulders and a 'hmmh' as she got in the car.

"Who the fuck is this sexy bitch !" The driver loudly said over the radio.

"I'm Serena. I just moved here !" She happily stated back. Her hopes for the city growing a little more than they had previously been.

They all introduced themselves and she came to know them as Maddy, Kat, and BB.
Rue looked completely done with their shit about halfway through the drive and just vacantly stared out of the window quietly.
Serena was just vibing in her seat, ejoying the music.
You could tell that they pulled onto the street of the party because there were cars parked all the way down the road.

"Holy shit," Serena spoke in awe. "The parties in Brooklyn were never this huge." She stated to no one in particular.

"We know how to party here girl. You'll fucking see." Maddy answered her. The majority of the girls giggled except the quiet Rue who clearly had her mind else where.

Walking into the crowded living room proved to be a challenge. Serena immediately pushed through the packed bodies to locate the  alcohol.

Downing a cup of Hennessy and grabbing another she set back off to find her cousin.

At the top of the stairs she could see her making her way up and hurried after her.

She opened the first unlocked door and found a blonde girl sucking someone's dick.

"You wanna join babygirl?" The weirdo offered. She just slammed the door with the gross image stuck in her head.

Damn. I really need some head.
She laughed to herself at the intrusive thought as she walked the halls looking for the next unlocked door.
Luckily her next choice happened to be there right one.

When she barged into the bathroom she found Rue with the tip of her house key in her nostril.

"No fucking way" Serena stated amusingly as she shut the door behind her back and leaned against it. She knew Rue had been an addict but was told that she was gonna be sober after rehab.

"You aren't gonna fucking rat me out are you ?" Rue spoke with a pissed expression. She didn't really care but didn't fancy going back into the grippy socks.

"Bitch, I will if you dont share " she joked and shoved her cousins shoulder.

They shared a smile and finished the family activity.

It had been a while since Serena had snorted anything. She used to do it on more occasions than not back in New York, but had been on lockdown since her last incident with drugs.
She was slowly growing out of them, but something about other people around her doing things of the sort made her want to participate.

They stumbled back to the life of the party.
" yo I'm gonna go chill outside" Rue mumbled.
Serena nodded and started swaying to the music. She stayed inside dancing for a while. Hands found their way around her waist.

She didn't mind this sort of  thing when she was high off her ass, in fact,
she does a lot of regrettable things when she's under severe influence.

She swayed with the unknown body, grinding into it with a hand wrapped around their neck.
She turned around after a little while, smiling at the person.

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