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If an acid is added to an alkali, neutralization takes place.

The higher the concentrationof H+ ions the lower pH

Alkalis contain all OH- ions (hydroxide ions)

Neutralization contains this reaction:


Neutralization leaves no free h+ ions

Acids and alkalis

Acids are substances that produce hydrogen in aqueous solution

The pH scale

When universal indicator is added to solutions it changes colo

Acidic = red/orange/yellow = 0-6 pH

Neutral = green = 7 pH

Alkali = blue/purple = 8-14 pH

Making a salt

A soluble salt can be prepared by reacting an acid with a suitable insoluble reactant like:

A metal

A metal oxide

A metal hydroxide

A carbonate

The insoluble reactant chosen depends upon particular salt required

For example, copper does not react with dilute acids so this metal can not be used. One the other hand sodium is too reactive to be used safely.

As the reaction between metals and acids produce flammable hydrogen, chemists usually make salts by reacting a metal oxide or a metal carbonate with an acid.

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