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Iris's POV:
My eyes are wide as I witness the twins grabbed the sapphire.

"No," a small mutter leaves my lips as I run forward attempting to get it back. I couldn't let this happen again. They had already gotten one and second one was far too much. As I'm about to grab Praxina when a gust of dark magic threw me back. I black out right after.
I wake up in my house. I groan sitting up and looking around.

"You're awake," I turn my head to Talia. She has a grim and upset look on.

"What's going on, what happened-" I instantly recalled the events. I bite my lip looking down. Talia sighs. A hand lies on my shoulder.

"It's alright Iris we'll do better next time,"  Auriana said. I nodded with a heavy heart.

"We?" I heard Talia mutter. We both look up. Talia has an angry look on.


"It's not 'we' it's her! She's the one who refused to learn the new spell and when we needed it today it she couldn't do it!" She turned to look at me.

"You want to fix things your way? Alright but don't come weeping when things don't work," she turned around leaving. Auriana sighed. She looked back at me with a reassuring smile.

"It's alright Iris, Talia's just frustrated we'll fix this and get the sapphire back," she assured walking after the other. As the door closed I groaned. It's like everything was just falling apart. I knew winning back Ephedia wouldn't be easy but this was getting too tough. Gramor has the advantage. He has more experience, more power and now he has two sapphires. I wish there was a way for us to have the advantage.
I got off my bed deciding to head downstairs for something to drink. As I was passing by, I noticed Aunt Ellen's door open. She was inside of course yelling at someone over the phone. I frowned.

"No it's not- I'm aware but we can't contact them!"
"Yes, yes I know but Crizeria could-" I moved over behind her table as I saw her make her way here. She walked out past me and into the garden. I frowned. 'Crizeria'? I did hear stories about them but it was never anything good. I peeked into her room. I don't know why but something told me I needed to look more into this. I walked around. Nothing seemed out of place. I sighed. What was I even thinking. I went to leave when I knocked over her lap. I sigh leaning down fixing it with some magic. I got back up putting it back when I noticed a picture. I frowned a bit picking it up. My eyes widen as I recognized by mother. She seemed be in her younger years, maybe teenage years, she had short pink hair bright blue eyes and wore a white shirt with pink shorts. She had someone beside her. I frowned. A black woman with white and red hair a white and black shirt and black pants. She also smiled brightly into the camera. My mom had an arm wrapped around her. They seemed to be friends. I turn the picture around seeing a communicating spell. My eyes widen. Is this I shouldn't be taking decisions abruptly. This could be dangerous... but if it isn't we might have a chance. I pondered for a moment until I hear footsteps I panic running out before Aunt Ellen can catch me.
I pant slumping against my door. I should call the others. I take my phone out and dial a number.

"Hey Talia I have-"

"Iris I don't have time right now, I'm trying to learn a new spell,"

"Okay but can you just leave it for now I may have-"

"Iris," she says sternly.

"Do what you want but don't stop me or Auriana from doing our work, maybe try doing yours as a future queen," with that said she hangs up. I look down at the phone. Fine. If she won't help I'll do it myself. I looked over at Amaru.

"Amaru could you help me?" He looks up at me then nods with a smile. I show him the spell. He hums. He steps forward muttering something. The air suddenly gets a lot hotter. Everything starts to fade out and I find myself in a vaste reddish galaxy. I look around. It almost looks like the Cristal Arena. I turn my head and gasp as I see a girl about my age. She has similar features to the woman on the picture. Said image in my hand. The only difference was her blonde hair and red eyes. She wore a long red dress and a black thorn crown with some diamonds and rubies.

"Y-you're, um-" she takes a step forward staring at me with an emotion less look.

"You're the new Ephedian Queen?" She asked. I could only nod. She hummed cocking her head.

"Speak then, you have five minutes," she said crossing her arms. What do I say. What am I even supposed to do. She seems to have the most experience between us. I gulped.

"M-My land is in trouble, and I need your help-"

"No," the answer was so fast.

"W-Wha- but I'm serious! We need your help! We can't do this alone, I-" she raised a brow and raised a hand.

"Borealis, Xeris, Calix, Volta, those are all the allies you have aka all of Ephedia, and you claim to still need more?" I bit my lip.

"I just, I-" she turned around.

"Don't contact me again unless you plan on actually having a problem," she said opening a portal. She was about to vanish when I grabbed her arm. We both froze. She slowly turned around. I looked down.

"I don't have any experience," I said.

"I can't do more than five spells, I don't know any of Ephedia's traditions, I can't even handle the Shaanila," I admitted.

"But the thought of letting everyone down is eating me alive, I'm not improving no matter what, so I need your help," I looked up at her.

"Even if it's only for a while, please help us," I said lowering my head. My grip loosened and she took her arm away. There was a moment of silence then she hummed.

"Tomorrow 6am, I'll be on earth with my teammates," my eyes widened. I looked up but she had already vanished. The world around me went back to normal. I felt a small sense of relief. Finally, things would go better.

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