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I got up early the next day and called everyone in. I was walking around anxiously. I didn't know how to act.

"Iris would you just tell us what's going on?"

"Yeah you've been like this for a while, what's up?" I didn't answer just kept pacing. I didn't even know her name. I realised after we had cut contact. I never asked and she knew me. I bit my nails.

"Iris-" a knock at the door alerted us. I froze.

"It's them," I muttered. I ran into the hall my friends still in the living room. I stopped and peeked my head inside one last time.

"Don't be mad and please be polite," they looked at each other then nodded. I opened the door and almost choked. The same woman from yesterday. She had on normal civilian clothes but still gave off a very powerful aura. She wore a red turtleneck black leather jeans black boots and a large black coat. She nodded at me holding her hand out.

"Iris from Ephedia, I'm Abelle, ruler and Queen of the Crizeria Land," I nodded. I looked behind her seeing no one. I frowned a bit but shrugged.

"Talia, Auriana, I'd like you to meet someone new," I said walking into the living room. The two turned around and froze. Abelle nodded at them.

"Volta, Xeris, I hope we can get along-" she was interrupted as Auriana ran at her with her whip in hand. My eyes widened.

"Auriana!" Yet just as she was close enough she was thrown off. It happened so fast I didn't have time to see. I looked back at Abelle. A girl two heads taller wearing a blue long sleeve and dark blue baggy jeans stood there. She had silver brace knuckles on and short blue pixie hair.

"Well this started out well," she said standing straight. Who was she? She gave off such colder vibes than Abelle. Said girl turned to me.

"I apologise if she has any bruises later," I turned to Auriana who was helped back up by Talia.

"Iris! What's this about!?" Talia asked.

"Well this is what I was trying to tell you yesterday! We need help-"

"So you contacted Crizerians!? Are you out of your mind!?" She yelled. I glared at her.

"I did what was right Talia, we're not moving forward and we need all the help available-"

"Well not from these mercenaries!" I sighed.

"Look Talia it's my decision either you're with me or not," Talia huffed. Auriana glared at the ground.

"If it's an issue we'll leave," I turned to Abelle.

"N-No it's alright, let's talk! Have a seat," she nodded. The other girl followed her to the table. They sat across from us. Talia and Auriana glared at them. I sighed.

"So?" The blue haired woman asked. She smirked at Auriana. The red head gritted her teeth.

"Iris this is a bad idea, you don't know what they're capable of!" Auriana stated. I frowned. What was there between Ephedia and Crizeria?

"I don't understand is there something wrong?" I asked Abelle. She blinked as emotionless as ever.

"She's talking about the Olboria War," she replied. I didn't know what that was but any war must've been hard.

"It's in the past anyways move on-"

"In the past!?" Auriana yelled.

"You murdered half of my people! You killed my grandfather, and you burned down our castle!" She stated. I looked at Auriana in shock. She wasn't yelling at Abelle but at the other girl. The latter chuckled.

"Yeah, that was one wild war," she said. Auriana gritted her teeth.

"You goddamn Ghalian!" She muttered pulling the whip out again.

"Oh? You want another round?" She asked getting up. Abelle grabbed her arm.

"Virgo," the latter groaned sitting back down. She didn't even need to actually tell her. I looked down. I didn't have the same authority here.

"I believe there's a lot between us, if you have a problem, speak about it, either way we won't let it come in between the partnership," she said. I nodded. I looked at Auriana.

"Please?" She sighed sitting down as well. I looked back at Abelle.

"I don't know what your levels are so let us have a spare before I decide," I nodded.

"What do you guys think," surprisingly they nodded.

"Sure, but if we beat you you'll leave," Talia said. I turned to her. Why would she-

"Alright," I looked back at Abelle in shock. This was bad.
We moved into the arena. Virgo and Abelle stood before us. But Abelle seemed to be the only who'd fight.

"She's not fighting?" Auriana asked. Abelle shook her head.

"It'd be unfair for you," I frowned. Was she... looking down on us?

"What's that supposed to mean," Talia asked. Abelle pulled off her coat. She turned around handing it to Virgo. I noticed a few tattoos and scars on her back through the open part.

"You'll see," she said hands behind her back as she put a foot forward and one back.

"Come on," we looked at each other then charged at her. Talia got her staff and I had my scepter raising it at her. That's when we felt it. A shock wave so strong it threw us all back. I groaned. What was that!?

"W-What the heck!?" Talia groaned. Abelle stood back straight.

"You people don't even know about the Quartz Aura, how shameful," she said. Auriana raised her hand throwing a spell.


"Don't even try it," another wave came but stronger compelling us on the ground. I gasped feeling all energy leave my body. When it stopped we were shaking.

"H-How, this isn't what we were taught it's-"

"Crizerian magic, it differs from the Ephedian basics your people teach you, making the gap between us far too large," she said. She rolled her neck.

"Get up, we're not done," she said. My body hurts. My organes feel like water and my blood burns. It's horrible. If this is the level of all Crizerians, than Ephedia has no chance. I gritted my teeth. But I need to try. I need to at least get up. I took a deep breath. I moved my fingers then my arm. It felt so painful. I gritted my teeth soon standing but barely able to move. Talia and Auriana soon followed

"Good, now let's see if you can handle another,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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