Chapter 2 - First Training: Theodore and Brittany

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The journey home was as long and boring as everyday. Alvin was resting with his headphones on, Simon and Jeanette were reading a book next to him, Eleanor at the mobile surfing through the internet on a chair in front of them, searching for ideas for new recipes, and Brittany and Theodore were talking all the way home just to kill this miserable journey. After around twenty minutes, the bus stopped. They all got up from their seats and went out one by one. When they were outside, boys and girls said goodbye to each other, and each trio went in a different direction. Alvin, Simon and Theodore went on the right towards their house, where they lived with their father Dave (here to be clear - he is not a real father for them; they have never known their biological father; but they still called him a 'father' because he took a care of them when they were still small babies), and the girls on the left to the tree on which they had built a beautiful little house.

When the boys came to the door, they knocked on them. No one opened, so they knocked for one more time. The door opened right after the second knock and Dave was standing in front of them.

"Hi Dave." Alvin, Simon and Theodore greeted him and went inside.

Dave moved to the side so they could go inside.

"Hi boys. How was the school today?" he asked them.

"Fine." Alvin said, taking off his shoes with Theodore and Simon doing the same.

They went into the living room and threw themselves on the couch so they could rest. Dave sat down next to them and watched them for a few seconds.

"Are you hungry? I had finished the food a few minutes before you arrived, so I can make it for you now." Dave slowly stood up from the couch.

Alvin, Simon and Theodore shook their heads.

"No need to do that, we had a lunch at school. And that was quite enough for us." Alvin said.

"Yeah. I'm not hungry at all." Theodore said and picked up the TV remote control.

Dave looked at him in surprise. It is very rare that Theodore is not hungry. But now that's apparently understandable. Theodore turned on the television and switched to sport channel. Alvin rose his head immediately because they were broadcasting his currently favorite sport: tennis. In addition, it was the final of the Grand Slam between two legends of this sport: the spaniard Rafael Nadal and the serbian Novak Djokovic. At the moment, there is probably no better chance for Alvin than watching these two to follow some pieces that he could use on Friday at the tournament.

"Excuse me, I'm going to my room. I need to finish something for school." Simon said.

"Okay Simon." Dave said.

Alvin and Theodore were so engrossed with television that they didn't notice him leaving. Simon got up and went up the stairs to the first floor. He entered his, Alvin's and Theodore's room and closed the door behind him. He went to the closet and opened it. On the back wall was the entrance to his personal lab. There was a dial next to the entrance. Simon started clicking the code and the entrance opened revealing his lab. He went inside and the door behind him closed slowly.

Meanwhile, Alvin and Theodore were watching tennis. The first set has already ended, in Djokovic's favor. Theodore clenched his fist.

"Yeah, there it is!" he turned to Alvin and showed him the middle finger.

Alvin frowned. He leaned against the back of the couch and annoyingly crossed his arms on his chest. Theodore laughed and continued to focus on television. But suddenly the phone rang in his pocket. He took the phone from his pocket and turned it on. He saw that he received a message from Brittany. He smiled and clicked on the conversation icon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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