chapter 6: epilogue

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"No, Harry, that looks so stupid there, I can't even begin to figure out how the fuck your mind works."

"Okay, I don't see you saying anything actually helpful."

Louis puts his hands on his hips. "Who puts a couch under the window like that? It's going to block out so much light."

"Where else do you suggest I put it?! We have very limited options here!"

"Try up against that back wall."


"Yes, again."

Harry sighs, pushing his hair out of his eyes. It's been about 18 months since he chopped it, and in that time, it's grown tremendously. The curls are hanging just below his ears, curlier than ever, tight and bouncy. "I changed my mind. I don't want to live with you anymore."

Louis scoffs. "My name is on the lease. Sounds to me like you're going to be homeless."

"But it's cold outside. February in New York is no fucking joke. Don't kick me out."

"Then hurry up and take care of all these boxes. Otherwise I'm gonna find me a man who doesn't take forever to unpack all our kitchenware. It's honestly ridiculous how slow you're moving, Harry."

Harry throws his hands up in the air. "I can't believe how annoying you are! Almost all of this junk is yours and you're sitting on the fucking floor, ordering me around, doing next to nothing! Liam and Brandon must have been saints to put up with your shit for the past year and a half!"

"Shh, you're gonna wake up our neighbor's baby with all your yelling. She's so cute, did you meet her yet? Giant blue eyeballs and super blonde hair."

"Don't change the subject!"

"Her name is Evelyn," Louis continues. "I think her mom said she was, like, eight months old. Shit, what's her mom's name. Autumn? April?"

"It's Summer," Harry says, rolling his eyes.

Louis smirks, raising his brow, knowing that Harry isn't actually mad. Not yet, anyway. "Alright, anything else?"

" Yes. " He stamps his foot on the ground, and Louis laughs. "I also already know you're not going to ever clean the bathroom or put away the groceries or get the mail."

"Or clean the litter box," Louis adds.

Harry makes a face. "Wait, we don't have a cat."

"But I want one. I miss Genny. I can't believe Liam didn't let me keep her."

"She's his."

"She's mine ."

Harry sighs. "You're a pain in the arse."

"As you've said." Louis gets up off the floor and makes his way across the room, sliding his hands up Harry's chest and into his hair. "Hey. Thank you for moving in with me."

He scrunches up his face, placing his hands on Louis' hips. "Thank you for letting me."

"I'll be a really good roommate, I promise."

Harry presses his forehead against Louis'. "I know you will be."

"I'm actually good at putting away the groceries."

"I'm sure you are."

"And I don't mind cleaning the bathroom."

"That's good to hear."

"I'll get the mail if you remind me."

Harry smiles. "Okay."

"I want a cat."

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