Dream of 28/02/20

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In this daydream, I was in Korea with some people who seemed to have become friends (more or less). At one point, we entered an elevator to get to one of the upper floors of a building (don't ask me why, I have no idea).

There were already a few people inside, including Seonghwa, Hongjoong and another person (a manager?). My friends beckoned me to go in first and then pushed me like crazy so that they could all get in. I found myself squashed at the back, next to Seonghwa (not embarrassing at all). The elevator left, and stopped at the floor above where other people wanting to enter at all costs pushed us hard (as if it was the last elevator of their life). I got squashed even more against the wall, but also against Seonghwa. I turned to him and apologized several times, really sorry to be so stuck to him.

The elevator finally left and I couldn't help but feel the overwhelming heat caused by so many people in such a small and enclosed place. However, one part of my body was unusually hotter than the rest. It was my butt. Indeed, during the many jostles, one of Seonghwa's hands had gotten stuck behind me. He looked a bit embarrassed and didn't dare to move, just like me. I was just as embarrassed, even more so when one of the people in front of me pushed me further back, squashing me more against him and especially against his hand.

Neither of us dared to look at the other, and I don't know if we were red from the heat or from the situation.

Meanwhile, Hongjoong who had noticed what was going on had a little smile on his face, seeing that Seonghwa didn't seem to hate this situation that much. The two of them had a lively conversation with their eyes, while I didn't dare to move even a millimeter. I'm sure it was possible to fry eggs on my cheeks (well, on my whole head actually).

After many minutes, the elevator finally arrived at the floor where everyone wanted to get off. Seonghwa and I waited for everyone to get out since we were the furthest ones from the doors. Hongjoong gave me a strange look with a small smile, and then got off. Seonghwa motioned for me to go ahead of him and I thanked him with a nod.

At the last moment, when everyone was out of the elevator and when I was about to do the same, Seonghwa grabbed my wrist, pulled me inside, and pressed the button to close the doors as quickly as possible.

I really didn't expect this so I didn't know how to react. I turned around and asked him why he had done that while looking at him, not being able to take my eyes off of his (although I glanced at his lips briefly, I admit). He smirked at me and explained that he hadn't had a chance to apologize for his hand placement earlier. A nervous smile graced my face and, while trying to remain calm, I replied that it didn't matter.

He was staring at me and seemed to know that he was far from leaving me indifferent (well...). He came closer, even closer, and put his hand in the same place. I questioned him with my eyes, and he asked me if it still "didn't matter" and if I still didn't care about this situation.

Of course, I couldn't not care. In fact, I felt like my heart was going to explode. My face obviously served as his answer, which only boosted his confidence. He asked me if I liked him, to which I replied by nodding my head. He had a satisfied smile, and then told me that I didn't leave him indifferent either (oh lord). I looked at him with astonishment, then, seeing the assurance of his look, I understood that he was not lying.

I then gained confidence and entered his game of dominance by the eyes, giving him one of those smirks he seemed to like to display.

We got closer, even more than we already were, without taking our eyes off each other, and ... the end.

The rest is easy to imagine (kiss), but I would have liked to see it myself instead of returning to reality... Tss

Dream of 28/02/20 - The elevatorWhere stories live. Discover now