A Thank You

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Thank you for reading Ordinary! This book had started as a silly side project, but quickly turned into the one that garnered all of my attention. Now, if you're wondering, I do plan on making a sequel to it eventually. Although considering that it took me two years to write this, it's fair to say I'm no match for a printer in terms of speed. But I promise I'll keep writing this story until a conclusion is reached. There's so much more I'd love to write about, after all!

Now, there are some special people whose names in particular I'd like to shout out and get off of my chest:

First, I'd like to thank my (online)  friend Dom for being the first to take interest and being willing to read this silly... thing. You were also my first unpaid editor, one of many I've enslaved. Thanks for the free labour, bud. In all seriousness, having someone to give criticism, opinions, and to just read the story, as well as listen to my rants on it made the process more bearable in the early stages. Without you enabling me, I don't think I would have been able to finish this book under the pretense of "I'm writing this for myself, to get it out of my head" alone. At least, it would have taken way~ longer...

My flame of obsessive passion is strong, but once in a while, just someone else beside me for the ride is a welcome change of pace.

Second, thank you, Sophie, for being one of the first to read the book completely front-to-back. The speed at which you blitzed it both impressed and scared me. It even motivated me to write more to try to get you behind, just to see you devour the new chapters in like 1-2 days, all in one sitting (个_个)
Your help as my second and more consistent free editing slave is similarly appreciated, and will not go unforgotten.

The third thank you goes to everyone else in my life who has taken a peek at my work, regardless of your opinion on it, whether you dropped it or finished it, randomly clicked on it on Wattpad while browsing, or were pestered by me to give it a chance. Mehdi, Betsy, Erik, and everyone else (you know who you are ★~(◠‿◕✿)).

Of course, while I may have given you, anonymous reader, a show of gratitude already, another one doesn't really hurt, does it? I thank you from the bottom of my heart. A story is written to be shared. Anything else, whether it is praise, or hate, or indifference, is a bonus to me.

As a closing note, while there are more journeys ahead of the cast of Kaze, Mai, Ryuusuke, Aiko and co., both psychological and physical, I'd love to hear from you, my dear readers, what your favorite moment in the story was up to this point. I ask this not out of any reason, but a base curiosity. So please, please, don't leave the question hanging.

See you all in the next installation of the Ordinary series – Adversity Online.

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