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You see claus on the branch seems to be waiting for someone. You toward him. He see you walking toward and smiled brightly.

(Y/N):} Hey Claus.

CLAUS:} Oh hello there (Y/N).

(Y/N)}: What game are we playing.

CLAUS:} Oh yes, what about a game of chess.

When you heard the word chess. You cringe at the idea of even playing the game. You know the game was boarding game you ever play. I don't want play chess that seems so boarding and will take forever. Maybe i should lie. yes i should, nothing bad going to happened when i lie. You thought before coming up with a lie.

(Y/N):} Chess? I have no idea how to play that! *lies*

CLAUS:} Oh okay, how about a game of I spy?

(Y/N):} sound good to me. Let's play!

You were bought to a black screen with text appear in front of you. It reads:

ᴵ ˢᴾʸ ᴳᴬᴹᴱ




This seems easy. you thought. You were bought back in the area and see Claus near tree smiling at you. Claus seems to think before saying something.

CLAUS:} I spy with my little eye, something..... Red.

You look around, looking for something red. You see some random on the the grounds. You look for a few mintune before spotting apples in the tree. you point to the apple and Claus nodded.

CLAUS:} yes! That's it! I spy with my little, something ..... Floating 

You look at Claus before pointing at him. His head was floating. Claus give you a confused look before chucking at how silly you are.

CLAUS:} no that not it. Try again.

You groned before looking around few seconds before spotting a clound in the sky. You point at it and he nodded again.

CLAUS:} Yes! That's it! I spy with my little, something ... glowing.

You look around before poniting at the tree.

CLAUS:} Yes! That's it! I spy with my little, something ... DANGEROUS

You noticed something shiny a axe. You were confused. Why was a axe in the game in the first place. What were planning to do scars children. You thought before ponting at the axe

CLAUS:} Yes! That's it! I spy with my little, something ... bɘꙅɒɘɔɘb

You look at Claus and his body in a shadow. His eyes were now black like hallow but not real life eyes just blackness. and yet he was still smiling. You bought your hand up and point at him. And he eneire body was black expect for his mounth. You begin stasic and everything went black.

You open and look around to see your woods again with the house but the house was nothing but ashes. You felt weird and different, you feel taller. you spot a car and walk toward the mirror. you stood at your reflection. You were different person. you were Claus. You touch your face.

𝕐𝔸ℕ𝔻𝔼ℝ𝔼 𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 𝔸ℙℙ𝕃𝔼 𝔽𝔸ℝ𝕄 {𝘽𝙀𝙏𝘼 𝙏𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍}Where stories live. Discover now