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Writing_mendes note:
Hey y'all it's @writing_mendes, which y'all probably already know that since the book is on my page 😭. Anyways, besides being known as my name is Anna.  I'm 1 out of three of the writers who wrote this book. Im also the editor of this book and just thought I'd share a little about our friendship and myself. Let's start with a little about myself, I am 15 years old, I have been on Wattpad for 3 years my 4 years in coming up on November. Now for a little about our friendship i am the oldest of this friend group, we all met through Wattpad at different times, but basically around the month of October-November, but we didn't all start really talking/ becoming extremely close until I made a group chat on December 4th, I had been talking to camilasdaughter for a pretty good amount of time when Shawmila0527 joined instagram, I knew she was new to Instagram and I didn't really know if she had a lot of friends(she does lol😭) or anything but I didn't want her to feel left out, and since we all knew each other it just made sense to make the group chat and through those weeks of talking, somehow I mentioned I wanted to write a book about Shawn being in a dream like state but I didn't really think it would work out or I'd be able to write it so I didn't and then someone brought up writing it as a collaboration, I said yes immediately but deep down it felt a little weird because when writing a book solo you know what's going to happen as a collab you have to work together but I'm so glad I said yes. Thank you to all my readers and I know we all hope you love this book ❤️

Shawmila0527 note:
Hey guys Welcome to our new book a delicate daydream and I said our new book because this is a collaboration with my two besties Anna and Christa it's Hailey by the way.
I am so extremely proud of us, I love these girls so much and it's an honor to work with them.
We have sometime differences between us and this book was originally bought up back in December I think.
But we haven't really been focusing on it until like a month before the release date because we just wanted to talk considering our time difference
I am so extremely happy that this book was brought up into a conversation and it became a real book.
At first we had some trouble trying to figure out whose account it was going to go on but we came to the conclusion that Anna's account was the best option.
I know Anna touches a little bit on our friendship on her part but I just want to say a few things.
We originally made the group chat on Instagram on December 4th and over the few weeks we got extremely extremely close and now to be honest I can't imagine my life without them, nor do I want to they're my best friends
I love the idea of the book and we hope you guys love it ❤️ ❤️

Camilasdaughter note:

hey everyone ©) i'm christa, one of the writers of
this story, and idrk what to write in this note Imao
but i wanted to write something about our
friendship and just how the whole thing was put
together. SO BASCIALLY, I'm the middle one in the
trio, they call me "c" cause its shorter and easier to
memorize. i remember when I first saw "bruises"
and followed hails (hailey) and when anna followed
me too- and then we followed each other on
instagram and made a group chat that we talk on
every dav. it sucks cause me and anna have a 10
hour difference and me and hails 7 but we try to talk
as much as we can cause its so fun to talk to them!
truly one of the best people out there. the idea of
collabing on this book happened like this: anna
mentioning that she wanted to write a book about
"a delicate daydream (you will know what it means
later on in/at the end of this story -> me saying that
maybe it could be a collab -> hails saying that she's
up for it -> all of us agreeing on making it a collab. i
am really glad that we agreed on it and even tho we
might have a hard time writing it due to timezones,
know that we got this. thank you for clicking on this
story (g
also here are some facts: you are perfect, you are
special, you matter, you are worth it, you can do it!

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