1: It's Friday Then It's Saturday Sunday What!

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Hi guys! This is the first Chapter of my first book! Lot's of love for you guys reading<3

943 words


My clock rang. I quickly clicked snooze and turned over in my covers groaning out loud. It was Friday morning. It was almost the weekend. I hated the weekend. And no.. not because I loved school or something. Its because I hate having to hang out with my family. I hated school the same way. There should be a middle place between school and home. Somewhere I can go and be myself.

The clock rang out again stopping my train of thoughts. I had to get up now. I turned the alarm off and got off my bed. I stretched and let out a yawn. I walked over to the bathroom and started to get ready. I pulled on my pair of black washed out jeans and an oversized black hoodie. I kept my hair open it was thick ,black and curly. I looked in the mirror at my dark circles underneath my eyes and shrugged. I didn't really wear makeup on an everyday basis the only thing I wore was black waterline, mascara, and eyeliner. I put some waterline and eyeliner on and called it day.

A little while later, I made my way downstairs. I saw my mom who was always the only one there at this time. My dad was not there as usual. He would never be home but no one knew where he went either. But that's the way I liked it. If he were here it would make things even worse. I thought. She looked up at me, "Good morning Cora", she said. I looked at her and said " Morning Mom". She looked at my clothes in a disapproving way " What are you wearing"?"You look like you're dressed like a boy", she said. I just ignored the comment and said, " Im going to school and staying at Mia's for the weekend." Mia Thompson was one of my best friends since grade 1. She was one of my two best friends. My mom looked at me sadly. "I need you to try to understand you need to change your ways you are not acting right". " This weekend we were supposed to hang out as a family." I looked at her annoyed "I'm hanging out with my friends this weekend". And with that I left the house slamming the front door.

I was in grade 12 this year and was almost off to university. I opened my car and stepped into my Camaro. I loved cars and for all you thinking that I'm just spoiled for having my own car. I got this one on my own by working hard at the auto body shop down the street. I started the engine and revved it a little before driving off to my school.

I pulled up to the school parking lot passing the jocks that parked in the front to show off their cars. I went to the back where I always parked and beside me my best friend Levi was already there walking out of his car. I parked and walked out too, locking my car.

My two best friends since grade 1. Mia Thompson and Levi Woods. He walked up to me and started to walk beside me." Hey Cora, what's up", Levi said putting his arm over my shoulder protectively as we walked past the jocks."Hey Woods not much you?" "Things are good, where's Mia?"

Right as he said that, we saw Mia pull up to the parking lot and made her way to her parking spot. She got out and walked to us. "Hey guys", she said. "Hey" me and Levi said out at the same time.

We all walked together getting out of the back of the parking lot and heading to the school. We walked past Noah Ford and his friends. One of them yelled out to Levi, " we always knew you were weird Levi but now you're taking it too far hanging out with Thompson and Foster". It was Nolan King who said the joke. He used to be one of our former friends until he joined the basketball team and started acting too full of himself. They all laughed at us.

I moved forward towards Nolan violently. But Levi held me back , " It's not worth it". Mia and Levi pulled me with them towards the school again. " They're all stupid we already know that we don't need to spend time trying to prove that to them", Levi said. I nodded in agreement, "you're right". "No need to worry about them when we have our sleepover to look forward to", Mia said. We all smiled and I replied with " yeah of course hanging out with you guys is so much fun". The bell interrupted me shortly after I said that and we all murmured our goodbyes as we headed to different classes.

I headed to science with Ms. Darling and sat in my spot beside Sara who was my friend in science. We shared our quick hellos as Ms. Darling started talking. " We will be doing a science lab today in partners and the partners have been chosen by me" Everyone groaned out, including me. I didn't like anyone in this class except Sara.

She began to say some names and then she called out mine and Noah's. I clenched my fist tightly and silently cursed my luck in my head.

Noah just smirked at me and turned around to give his friends handshakes. He knew I hated him so that's why he was gonna make my life miserable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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