Chapter 2

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- Third Person POV -

The men from the car approached Armani, who was barely conscious due to his punched eyes swelling up rather fast. The tall white haired male reached out and grabbed Armani's arm. "Let us have him." He mumbled, making the other men tense up. "And why should we." One spoke out, a slightly bigger one, with an even bigger ego.

The black haired male smiled, pulling a gun out of his large back pocket and held it up to them. "He said let him go." The men shoved Armani into the white's hands and pushed themselves into a corner. "Good job, thank you!" The white haired male pleasantly replied, pushing Armani into the back of the car.

Both men got into the car and drove away, leaving no trace that they were ever even there. Armani, of course, had fallen asleep on the soft cushions of the car seats.


Armani snuggled into the warmth of the seat, not really caring what it was, just enjoying the warmth that hadn't been felt in a while. He could hear whispers around him, but his eyes were too heavy to open.

"I say we kill him and throw him into the ocean or something," one said, chuckling at the end. "We can't do that, he probably thinks we saved his life!" The other one spoke quietly, obviously trying to keep his voice low. "You're always trying to save people, although it never works," The first voice spoke again. They both scoffed, ignoring each other's antics.

- Armani's POV -
I wasn't trying to listen to the conversation, but I needed to pee really bad and didn't know how to tell them. I leaned towards the middle so that I was in between both of the men, which shocked them. "Can you pull over, I really need to pee." The black haired male sighed, placing his hand upon his forehead. "We'll be home in a few minutes," the white haired male explained.

"Wait, what do you mean by home..?" I cautiously asked, leaning back and putting my guard up a bit. "You're staying with us, we saw your house burn down, and it seemed that you have trouble with people." I wanted to protest, although these people were right.

"Just let me out, I don't wanna get involved with you." The black haired laughed again, this time a bit louder. I went to open the car door and fly out of it like they do in movies but we were on the damn highway. I would get squashed, and then I would die, and honestly that wasn't my cup of tea.

Eventually, we pulled into a normal house. Not one from those mafia Wattpads where they own mansions or something. It was a normal one story house, and it had a green house connected to it, I was very happy to see that.

"Angelo, show him the bathroom and I'll start making dinner," the black haired male commanded, gesturing for me to enter the house. I was still unsure but followed "Angelo" into the room. It was very boring. The walls were white but they had black furniture and a few paintings of bugs or insects on the walls.

"Bathroom is right here," Angelo showed me a white door and pushed it open. "Thank you," I responded, stepping into the bathroom and watching him leave before I shut it.

I looked through the room for a camera. I couldn't find any, so I used the bathroom, washed my hands, and then I sat in the shower. No water or anything, but it brought me comfort to have thick bathroom walls disconnecting me from the rest of the world.

I did cry, and I had a reason. I was kidnapped, I think. I could run away, but what would I run to. I needed to go to school but that was never a top priority. I was in college, in a photography class where we could draw and photograph anything, which is where my plants came in.

Lately though, I hadn't had enough money for it and wasn't smart enough for a scholarship. I cried a lot, which I hadn't done in a while. I didn't like stealing from people but spending money was a coping method and I didn't have money to do that.

- Third Person POV -

A knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts and I stood up abruptly, trying not to fall in the process. "Hello?" I called out, steadying my voice a bit. "Dinner is ready, uhh what's your name?" It was Angelo, the voice was different, more calming. "It's Armani, Armani Costello." Armani quietly gave him name and waited for a response.

"That's a really pretty name, come on Armani, dinner's ready." Armani smiled a bit, opening the door and walking downstairs with Angelo. They sat down at a black table that had wilting flowers in the middle. It was set with three plates, each one holding the following: Chicken that had quite a few seasonings, a salad, and bread rolls.

Armani waited till the men had sat down to see which one was his. He sat in the middle of the men which was embarrassing but it felt nice to eat with someone for a change. Both men started eating, and Armani did the same. "Thank you for dinner," Armani spoke up, looking over at the black haired male. "It was no big deal." Armani felt the awkwardness fall over them again and couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"What's your name?" Armani asked, looking back at the male. "It's Damon," he spoke quietly, blinking slowly at the boy in front of him. "I'm 21, how old are you guys." Both men looked up at the sudden question, setting down their utensils. "Damon and I are 22," Angelo explained, smiling sweetly at Armani.

"Wait are you guys in college?" Armani asked once again, wanting to know more about his- what does he call them..? "Damon is gonna be a doctor, and I'm studying to be a teacher for kids with health issues." Damon nodded, agreeing with him. "Ohh, that's super cool!" Armani now felt bad about what he wanted to be, which was just a florist of some type.

"What about you?" Angelo asked, Armani understanding he would get laughed at. "I wanna be a florist, I really love flowers and plants! I had a lot in my other house but they died when they caught fire..." His voice lowered, he was sad thinking about all his poor plants. Angelo rubbed his back, which made Armani shiver, a light blush forming on his face.

"You can use our greenhouse, it's barely ever used anyway," Damon interrupted the awkwardness which I was thankful for. "Really, thank you so much!" Armani replied, beaming a smile at Damon.

After they had finished dinner, Angelo took the plates, and Damon took Armani towards the plant space. It was full of beautiful flowers and cool plants that were almost as tall as Armani himself (he was 5'7). "Thank you Damon, I really like this, it's my comfort space!" Armani thanked him once again, which made Damon smile.

"I'll leave you alone, okay?" Damon asked, turning to leave. "Okay, thank you again!" Damon rolled his eyes playfully and left the room.

- Damon's POV -

I made my way back to the kitchen to help Angelo with the dishes. "You like him don't you?" I questioned which made Angelo practically drop a cup. "Was it that obvious..?" He asked, placing the cup in the dishwasher. "Not really, but I'm your twin, we share a brain, even though I got more of it." Angelo shook his head, laughing, and kept putting the dishes away.

"I kinda like him too," I explained quietly, hoping he wouldn't even hear it. Angelo did hear it though and he had a remark to make, "You've never said that you liked anyone, what changed?" I didn't really have an answer, but I had to say something, "He's not judging my appearance and he didn't just pick you because of your personality I guess..?" Angelo smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I'm not gonna steal him, we're twins. We learned to share when we were 2."


I hope this was an okay chapter!! I know a lot of you probably just like smut but I like getting into it so yes :). Please let me know what you think ;,)

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