Chapter 1

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Most stories start with a once upon a time. Or end with the prince rescuing the Princess from a tower. They want to save what they see as a damsel in distress to become a hero. But most people forget the things that aren't really noticed in the moment. Though that's not because they ignore them its just they don't know where to look. So let me take those people to the place were our story starts.

In an ancient land, where the flowers bloomed no matter the season and magic filled the air. When planets could be seen everywhere in the sky. Sounds perfect right.

But our story starts bellow that beautiful place. Far bellow. In a place were something happens. Something so strange the people of this place had finally gained some hope. Hope that the people who lived in the underground would be able to live in peace with the creatures on the surface. To finally see the stars.

So let me start the story in a place called Miracle Town.


Storm always new she was different

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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