Chapter 2

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Welcome back!!

TW: panic attack depiction

Hope you enjoy!!

There were so many people.

King's Cross Station was bustling with people eager to get to where they needed to be, going as far as to shove others out of their way. Quinn had to steady Aunt Jessie countless times as people barged into her, some by accident, others utterly uncaring. It didn't help that the woman wasn't the greatest with big crowds.

"Pompous porcupine." Aunt Jessie cursed as a tall but large lady pushed by, "Hasn't anyone got any manners? Back in my day, people were far more polite."

Quinn nodded, having heard the statement - or variations of it - at least four times already, "I'm sure they were."

"She almost knocked Archibald out of my hand!" The woman grumbled, adjusting her stuffed duck in her arms.

Even with all of Quinn's best attempts, she could not persuade her Aunt Jessie to leave her dead pet behind. Her aunt had been adamant that she would need her dead pet for 'emotional support', and that she had always promised Archibald that she'd one day show him the Hogwarts Express. Apparently, the duck had always wanted to see the red train.

"Come, deary. Keep up, now." Aunt Jessie snapped her fingers as she strode towards platform 9 and 10, even though Quinn was the one who should be saying it to her. However, she kept her mouth shut and trailed after the woman, pushing her trolley.

It had been a strange occurrence, how all her equipment arrived in Quinn's bedroom. Once Dumbledore had left the house, she had wandered upstairs to collect her thoughts, and as she pushed through into her room, Quinn had stumbled back in shock. A cauldron had rested by her desk, her robes had been folded up on her bed (how they knew her size, she didn't know), all the necessary books had been stacked up on her bedside table, and stuck on the rim of the cauldron had been a note.

For all your new adventures.

She assumed the equipment was from Dumbledore, although the note had not been signed. Quinn wondered, had she not agreed to go to Hogwarts, if it all still would've appeared, or not. To her, the latter was the better option. After all, magic does exist.

"Here we are!" Aunt Jessie exclaimed slightly giddily, pointing to a brick wall. Despite the woman's obvious nerves, Quinn could see the excitement bubbling in her eyes and it made her smile.

On the count of three, both aunt and niece turned on their heels, Jessie gripping onto Quinn's arm, and pushed the trolley straight at the wall. Even though she knew what would happen, Quinn couldn't help but screw her eyes shut as the front of the trolley disappeared through the bricks.

There was a strange sensation of something brushing her skin and fading right through her that lasted for a split second, before she was out the other side. Opening her eyes, Quinn's jaw dropped and she was pretty sure it touched the ground as she drank in her surroundings in utter awe.

A brilliant crimson steam train stood proudly, as if totally aware of all the gawking stares upon its glistening body. It was almost like the train hadn't been built for the station, but the station had been built for the train, with grand arches supporting the ceiling and the cream stone only multiplying the train's gleam. Families crowded around the platform as children boarded the Hogwarts Express, and as Quinn pushed her trolley forwards, she noticed many tears and embraces being thrown around.

"Ooh, it's been so long since I was here last!" Aunt Jessie gushed, eyes wide with enthusiasm, "Look, Archibald, it's the Hogwarts Express!"

"It's...." Quinn breathed, "It's amazing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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