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"Ugh, Hunkyhair! Care to explain why is everything so obnoxiously sparkly with you elves?" Whined Ro; Keefe's ogre bodyguard. Keefe hastily shushed her, not wanting to be overheard. It was frustratingly hard enough to sneak around with an eleven-foot-tall ogre sporting a giant metal diaper paired with a matching breastplate, let alone while Ro was threatening to smash the ornate crystal chandeliers. 

Keefe was at Everglen, trying- and failing -to sneak up to Fitz's room. Keefe had the prank of the century planned. Well, apart from the great gulon incident ..not that Keefe had anything to do with that. Keefe clutched the bucket of selkie skin tightly. It wouldn't do if he spilled any, for liquefied selkie skin was infamous for leaving stains in fabric. 

After ten or so more minutes of creeping through Everglen's ridiculously long hallways (not that Candleshade was any better), Keefe finally found the familiar teal door that he'd been looking for. Fitz's room. He adjusted his grip on the bucket, and pressed an ear against the door. He could hear the faint rustling of fabric on the other side. Keefe took that to mean that Fitz was, as he'd hoped, in his room. 

Keefe spun round to face Ro, pressing a finger his lips in the universal 'shhh!' sign. Ro was grinning devilishly, obviously ready to see the Fitzter get a face-full of Selkie skin. Keefe shared her enthusiasm. He turned back on his heel to the door, holding the bucket in a ready position. The rustling fabric was getting louder, and Keefe frowned. It sounded like Fitz wasn't alone in his room after all. 

Ro evidently ran out of patience, because she yanked the door open, making Keefe panic and blindly throw the contents of the bucket into Fitz's room. 

A terrible 'SPLAT!' followed. 

All over two teenagers who had clearly been making out on Fitz's bed. It seemed Fitz had indeed not been alone in his room, and the surprised selkie-skin-soaked girl in his arms was Sophie. 

Sophie Foster. 

cliffhanger ;)

Just kidding! Here's the actual book (copy paste)


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