Go Yahwi: A Start

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As the rain pour I couldn't here anything, I couldn't see well but all i know is that u were there, standing Infront of me, with someone else.

This wasn't what i wanted to happen, I thought you'll understand, but he came to you right, after all I'm just someone who will always look bad from the beginning, because of what? how I treat you? but I thought I treated u with care, with gentleness.

Years, I waited years and yet you couldn't even remember me, when i was at my worse, u were there for me, trying to make me smile even tho I couldn't. I lost them, my parents but, you came, u made me feel like it's actually nice staying with you for awhile, but why, why did this happened?

You probably don't remember because you were drunk but, you actually looked cute, you were always cute but this time it felt different, as if that I wanted to lock you in my arms, just to feel you.

They were right, every action has a consequence, I thought it was just me, but why jooin? why did you kissed him? touch him, just like how you did it to me?

You had the wrong impression of me, he interrupted to us and you let him destroy it, I had a chance to explain but did u even listen?

He was holding you as if you were his, you were letting him as if he was yours.

"Man you look devastated! come on stand up let's go and drink all those shits away!"

I don't wanna let you go, I didn't want this to end like this, I wanted us to be happy, together.

"I did it with him"

As you walk away, as you go far, I feel like I wouldn't be able to see you ever again, it hurts, when u told me that but, why, why can't I tell you that it does?

How do I cope with the pain? how do I express myself to you? how am I supposed to handle this? I don't get this.

"I DON'T GET ANYTHING OF THIS!" I couldn't hold it, out of anger I threw the vase near me

"I'm bleeding" I sigh

Does it even matter anymore? it's done, it's over, he's happy but what about me?

What about me? I was the one who he loved first...

"sunbae! I'm sorry I'm late, this is our first date yet I'm late" he kissed me

"Hi I missed you" I hugged him and I couldn't just let go

Is this really what I want? why do does this have to be the end?

"sunbae! do I look nice?" he turned himself around and pose

"Hahahaha pft you are so cute, yes you do look nice" I hold his hand and kissed him

Maybe this is my end, I hope he gets his own ending too.

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