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Name: Stormsong

Clan: Thunderclan

Role: Mother, Warrior

Age: 59 moons old

Personality: Calm, Sometimes Silly, Wise, Kind, Quiet, Beautiful, Warm, and Sometimes Fierce.

Fur Color: Lapis Blue on top, Her belly is Frost Blue, she has two big Daisy White stripes on her back, and her paws are Indigo.

Eye color: Amiral Blue

Long or Short Hair: Long

Scars: One on her shoulder and on her back right leg

Mate: Whitestorm

Kits: Iriskit(Iriswing), Rainfeather, Crystalblossom(My WARRIORS Oc).

Best Friends: Frostfur, Goldenflower, Mousefur, Echowillow, Lionheart, Longtail, Spottedleaf, Bluestar, Speckletail, Brindleface, and Willowpelt.

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