the reveal

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oh also i forgot that kwamis can't say their owners' name but whatever just ignore that

It's been a couple of weeks since I've been the new guardian, and each week gets more exhausting. First, Hawk Moth gets a power upgrade, and now I've been fighting more and more powerful villains and sentimonsters. And just last week, Su Han, an old guardian who trained Master Fu, paid me a little visit (if you could call it that...). Luckily, I got him off my back. But who knows how many old monks are mad at Master Fu for destroying the temple and almost all of the miraculous boxes! This whole guardian thing is so tiring.

"Marinette?" Tikki says to me, seemingly nervous. "The other kwamis and I had a chat and... I think it's time for you to meet Chat Noir... without the costume. If Chat Noir gets into any danger..."

"What?!" I exclaim, totally unprepared. "I already have so much pressure on my back... and I know if Chat knew my actual identity he'd constantly annoy me."

"Don't say that!" Tikki asserts. "I'm sure he'll be responsible."

I let out a heavy sigh and lay on my bed. I just want to let go of all this responsibility.

"So... I talked with Plagg, and we're going to meet at Master Fu's old place," Tikki explains. "It's pretty safe, and the building is abandoned."

"When are we doing this again?" I ask. "I need to have it planned in my schedule."

"Midnight," Tikki responds. Tikki can tell I'm annoyed, but she blames Plagg.

"Well, he said he wanted to make it mysterious, so..."

"You just couldn't say no, could you?" I jokingly ask and hug Tikki.

I stay up doing homework until 10. It feels like forever until I finally get to sleep. All this stress is so overwhelming.

"Wake up, Marinette!" Tikki shakes me awake.

"What?! It's only-" I check my phone. "11:30..." I sigh. I got less than an hour of sleep... "Can't I take a small..." I yawn. "Nap?"

Tikki shakes her head. "We don't want to be late. Besides, wouldn't you rather be early than late?"

I sit up and stretch. "Fine," I reply. "Tikki, trans-"

"Wait, Marinette," Tikki interrupts. "Before you go... just, be careful, okay? People can't see you or else they might follow you or think there's a danger."

"Alright," I reply, nodding my head. "Tikki, transform me!"

I go onto the balcony and check my bugphone. Hmm, I should have the place marked somewhere... I think. Wait, finally got it! I run atop the buildings of Paris, taking in the extravagant night sky. The full moon lights up the empty streets and dark buildings of Paris, creating a magnificent glow to the entire city. The Eiffel Tower stands just below the moon fully lit up as the lights bounce in a star-like pattern. It's absolutely beautiful, I think, but I'm interrupted as my bugphone beeps, telling me to turn right on the next street.

I finally arrive at the old guardian's residence and detransform, exhausted from running over here at midnight. I check my phone; it's almost 12:00, which means Chat will be here any minute. I hand Tikki a macaroon and lay against a wall.

"Marinette, you better transform before Chat Noir gets here," Tikki says, munching on the macaroon. "He doesn't know you're Ladybug yet and might leave if he sees you here."

"Fine," I say, wanting to get this over with. Chat will probably bother me when I'm not Ladybug once we reveal our identities, but I suppose it's for the best if we can't transform or one of us is in danger. "Tikki, transform me," I sigh, letting out a heavy yawn.

I wonder who Chat Noir really is, beneath the mask. Is he somebody I know? Probably not, considering he doesn't act like anybody I know. Although I act differently when I'm Ladybug. Could he be someone at school? No, none of the boys have messy blond hair and green eyes... besides, didn't he think my school was an elementary school? But what if that was to divert the fact he goes there? What if I do know him and I see him all the time, not realizing he's also my crime-fighting partner? Is he thinking the same thing? Thoughts rush through my head until Chat finally arrives, almost 15 minutes late. He opens the door carefully, almost hesitant to see what's inside.

"Chaton, where were you?!" I exclaim, annoyed. "I've been waiting for at least 15 minutes!"

"S-sorry, Buginette," Chat responds, his hand reaching out to me. "Plagg woke me up late and I..."

"Whatever, let's just get this over with," I reply, tired of his excuses. I'm sort of nervous, but take deep breaths and try to calm myself down. Besides, what do I have to be nervous about? I can tell he's thinking the same thing as he touches his ring, looking at it then at me, over and over again.

"Ready? On 3," I say.

"1..." We say in unison, both prepared for anything.



"Tikki, detransform me!"

"Plagg, detransform me!"

I close my eyes, blood rushing through my veins.

"Are you closing your eyes too?" I hear a voice.

Relieved I'm not the only one, I smile a bit and respond yes.

We both open our eyes that the same time, knowing when the other was ready.



I faint into Chat's- no, Adrien's- arms as he holds me, still shocked by what he saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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