Batteries (ix)

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All around them, parents fussed over cloaks, trunks, and owl cages. Mothers offered parting kisses, and fathers slipped a few Sickles into outstretched hands for the trolley.

And Molly, Gideon, and Fabian were painfully alone.

A/N: Playlist:

1. "Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: II. Air" by Johann Sebastian Bach (Specifically, Ben Gernon and London Philharmonic Orchestra's Version)
2. "G Minor Bach" by Jacob's Piano (Sept. 1)
3. "Learning to Fly" by Sheppard (--same day, after we see Arthur)


Batteries (ix)


July 13, 1965

"Mum!" Molly shrieked. "Mum, look!"

Her mother lifted her head, letting a short, cough into her arm in her rocking chair. "What is it, Molly dear?"

She'd have to tell Olive, and Arty too—in her next set of letters.

Molly lowered the fluttering parchment.

A small crack had appeared at the base of Mum's chin.

Had it been there yesterday?

Panic scorched through Molly's ribs. "Mum," she whispered.

Florence shook her head, then put her hand out. "Have you got your letter for the term?" she asked.

Molly swallowed.

Florence raised her brows. "Well?"

All of the elation from moments prior had flaked to dust.

The curse was progressing.

"Molly?" her mum coaxed softly. Her eyes were pleading, almost.

For Molly to go along with it.

To pretend that it was alright.

"Is there special news?" Mum asked, and her voice was a bit raspy and brittle over the last word.

Molly pressed her lips into a smile and lifted her shoulder. "Yes," she said quietly. She advanced to the rocking chair and laid the parchment on her mother's lap.

She knelt and rested the badge, then, on top.

"Oh—" Florence breathed, and she smiled. Not a fake smile, but a real, lovely, warm smile. As warm as it could be, with her ever-fading coloring. "Oh, they've chosen you."

Molly nodded.

Florence tutted. "I'm so proud," she whispered, then kissed Molly's forehead. Her lips were cool and rough.

Molly blinked slowly.

There'd be no use in fighting it. As much as she wanted to stay close, Florence insisted that the three of them needed their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s. Gideon was in a fit over it—he'd planned to stay back with Fabian, but Mother wouldn't have it.

"Did you see, Muriel, Molly's been chosen for prefect?" Mum asked. "And Fabian for Quidditch Captain, too."

A short huff echoed across the room. Muriel was looking over the potion regimen assigned to Mum by the healer team. "I don't think half of these are doing any good," Muriel said. "You look even worse than before."

Mum closed her eyes.

After the's vault dried up with the experimental healers' costs, things had gotten a bit more difficult. All those potion ingredients had to come from somewhere.

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