chapter 4

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I wake up and I'm on a cold..cemented floor..I look around I don't like small spaces, I just start crying, it looks like a literal Jail cell. All there is is I'm in a small room, and a big room and then a glass window. I see a camera and a mic, and then..a green hoodie and a white Mask. "Ahhh! My guest!! Hello Y/N."
I begin to look in shock. I never thought dream would be so crazy. Surely someone would save me right!?!
"Your in shock, I sense it, you'll just be here until the war is over..unless, you well,
Want to hurt him.
I begin to sob, it's all my fault, where's niki? Wheres wilbur! And now sapnaps on the line.
Sapnap looks extremely exhausted, like I dont know, I've never seen him so tired..I wonder what dream did to him..

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