Love with baggage...

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The sun shone through the cracks in the plastic revealing her surroundings. She was now able to see exactly what she'd been rubbing up against for the first three days of her existence. Rolling out and stretching, she found herself admiring her neighbour and the way the sun settled on her crisp curves. She was of different colour, but that didn't matter to green. Brown slowly began to awake and stretched wide opening and flexing her legs. Green almost had a heart attack on the spot and the pit of her stomach tingled with a feeling of desire and want. Straightening her glasses, brown turned slowly and locked eyes with green. Salivating, she closed her legs as she ate up the appearance of green before her. It was like they were the only ones in the room. The hustle bustle of the fellow m&ms around them could not break their intense stares deep into each other's eyes. This wasn't the only deep thing either of them wanted. Pulling her glove up her arm in a seductive manner, green slowly opened her legs and positioned herself into a squat, seemingly about to get up from the hard surface they'd Rollen out onto. In response brown pulled down her glasses slightly, peering over the top and licking her top lip simultaneously. How such ardent love had formed so quickly was a fact that neither of them knew however they found themselves devoured by it and utterly engulfed by the desire to be near to eachother . It was as if there were magnets deep within their peanut centres drawing them together and forcing them to fit together like puzzle pieces. Both knew exactly how they wanted to fit as they unconsciously made their way across the room to each other. It was a seduction game yet neither side was winning, both had successfully excited the other in a way they never had been before. It wasn't until they were merely millimetres away that they could fully indulge in the sight of the other. This love was meant to be, destined from above and they were finally going to have each other. After days of searching for what they were meant to be and who they were mean to to be they were finally ready to accept their sensual lesbian fate and be together. They knew they would have to fight controversy over their difference in colour and sexuality but deep down in the pit of their peanuts they knew that as long as they were together everything would work out. Brown reached out slowly, intending to stroke the side of greens cheek in a seductive and pussy pleasing manner. Both closed their eyes in anticipation of their first touch, ready to be ignited again.
In a sudden and swift motion green was ripped from browns reach by a large hand shaped figure. Tears streamed down her face and she screamed uncontrollably as her lover was ripped from her and ultimately destroyed in the mouth of anguish and aggression. She would never be the same. As she watched her lover crumble to shreds she vowed never to touch again, never to love again and never to feel anything other than eternal pain forevermore. This was it. This was the end.

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