First Day Jitters

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You'd been figity all week, enough so you'd gotten no work done on your suit for the first time in months.

You hadn't gone to school since you were twelve, and like much of your life, you didn't remember most of that time. You remembered kids were mean, and you tried not to dwell on that fact. You were a Stark now, even behind a fake name. Starks wouldn't get teased at school.

You had been given a whole fake story, along with your alias.

You were (Y/N) Stark, son of a teacher and an inventor. You'd been homeschooled your whole life, so this would be your first time in a real school.

It was a solid story, you had to admit, with the way it wasn't all a lie. Bends of the truth were always easier to tell than white lies.

You had been going through your wardrobe, staring at yourself in the mirror for a while at a time. It was stupid to care so much, but you couldn't help it. This would be your first time somewhere without direct supervision since you'd come to your dads; Perhaps your first time out in a public space in that time frame in general.

You were going to a nerd school, one of Tony's picking. "Midtown School of Science And Technology," Tony had explained, a school fitting of a Stark. Really lame. But you hadn't complained. For once.

With more freedom, it was more opportunity to sneak off and exercise your plan to prove yourself to the Avengers.

One more week of boredom, then you were out.


Your week had gone by faster than you'd thought it would.

Happy had been assigned to drive you to and from school; He was to take you in a more "discreet" car, and then drop you off a little ways away from the actual school entrance, so that no one could recognize Happy himself and you could walk the little ways into the school on your own.

You weren't exactly sure who cared enough about Tony Stark to recognize his driver, but it was a nerd school, so maybe there were some die hard Stark fans among them.

At least you liked Happy. You got along with him well, perhaps more so than your father. You didn't speak to him often, you didn't really have the need to, but whenever you'd interacted with him you found it easy to banter with him. He seemed to know when you would want to stay in silence as well. You liked that about him.

In your week, you'd done a little research on your new school.

Admittedly, nothing all that interesting to you had popped up. The school had some nerd teams that had won some nerd competitions, but that didn't mean much. 

What concerned you more was its location.

Of course, you'd known it was near the Avenger's tower.

In Queens, to be exact.

Right around the area a certain wall crawling superhero's work centered...'d quickly realized you were in the same school as Spider-Bitch.

It all added up, and you didn't know why you'd expected anything less of your dad.

Of course he wouldn't trust you on your own, and putting you in the same school as his new high school hero was the easiest way to discreetly sick a body guard on you. He just thought you were an idiot who wouldn't notice.

Your dad had come to see you off for your first day back to school, although you'd hardly listened to what he had to tell you. You were far too excited.

And nervous. And trying really hard to not let the temperature drop before you could even get into the school.

You'd stayed quiet your whole car ride with Happy, just focusing on keeping yourself in control until you made it to school. With all the practice you had, it shouldn't be hard, and it really wasn't, but the pressure of keeping your powers perfectly dormant was weighing on you. One mess up and you've lost your freedom before you even got the proper taste of it on your tongue.

As excited as you were to get out of the tower, you wished it didn't mean getting up so early.

Once the car stopped, you spoke a quick goodbye to Happy and got out of the car, grabbing your bag. You waved as Happy drove away, then sped walked your way to the entrance of the school, speed fueled by anxiety and your very obvious excitement.

You stood for a moment, staring at the entrance. Your backpack weighed down on your shoulders, full of all the school supplies you'd shoved in it in the week leading up to today. You hadn't known what you'd need, so you'd brought everything.

This was it. Your chance to be normal, or as normal as you could ever be again.

Opportunity waited for you behind that door.

But so did Spider-Man...

Frozen Heart (Peter Parker x Male!Stark!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now