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These are locations for people who don't usually rp with scenarios!


-Warrior den


-Medicine Den

-Leader's Den

-Apprentice Den

-Prey Pile

-High Rock

-FadedClan Camp Entrance


-Hunting Grounds

-CloudClan/FadedClan Border

-LightClan/FadedClan Border

-High Rocks




**Admin Note: Please not that both admins have rights to change the books and thus, some of these locations may change, but key locations such as the camp, High Rocks (mountains), MoonStone, and FourTrees may not change. Please state which location you are roleplaying in at the start of your rp
" -MoonStone-
WillowSpring trotted over to the High Rocks (Mountains) in search of the MoonStone. It was time for WillowSpring, as medicine cat, to share tongues with StarClan again. "
In the case of a High Rocks, MoonStone, Barn, or other Forest location rps it is possible for said cat to encounter a rogue, but only with permission of both the other members of said location rp and one of the admins**

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