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The day dragged on most classes I could barely concentrate because I kept replaying the moment in the hallway this morning, Joey was so nice and sweet and really cu- "Miss Miller! Can you please pay attention" I looked up from my desk to see the teacher standing in front of me "Now can you tell me what the square root of 365 is?" it takes me a few seconds but I managed to quickly work it out, I am not letting this teacher get the satisfaction of me not knowing something "The square root of 365 is 19.1049732" I say with a smile plastered across my face "I don't want to know your wild guess, i want the answer" the whole class is watching and waiting "That is the answer, the square root of 365 is 19.1049732 check the books" the teacher glares, walks over to her desk and scribbles on a piece of paper she then walks back and slams a Principles slip on my desk "GO NOW!" I pack up my stuff then flip the class off before leaving the room.

I'm completely lost, I have no clue where the principals office is and I don't even know where I am. I slide down the nearest wall and sit in a slouched position with my head in my hands. Out of nowhere I sense someone sit next to me "what the hell are you doing?" I instantly recognise Billy's voice "what does it look like? I was just sent out of class, I can't find the principals office and I'm starving" I lean my head against his shoulder, "Come on Hannah, I'll take you to the office. What'd you do anyway?" He stands and helps me up "thanks cuz, and I only answered a question" I state as we start walking "you were being a smartass weren't you?" I tilt my head, giving him a questioning look "Noooooo" he chuckles to himself "first day, detention, skipping class and not wearing a dress. What will your mum think of that?" I look towards my feet "she probably won't be very happy, but hey she never is so what's new?" We continue to the office in silence.

*Last Period*
After a boring discussion with my favourite principal I know have detention after school, lucky me!
Right now I'm struggling to concentrate in English because I can barely keep my eyes open. "So there'll be a project due in about 2 weeks, you'll be working in groups of 4" the teacher, I think its Mr Moore starts grouping kids together "Joseph, Ryan, Reuben and Hannah" I smile to myself quickly but then groan and make my way over to the boys "Hey Hannah" Joey gave me warm smile "Hey Joey" Book looked between us then cleared his throat "I'm Reuben but my friends call me book, and that's mouth" he nods his head in the direction of the kid I saw earlier this morning. For the rest of the lesson we discussed what we would do for the project and who would do what parts.

"You like baseball?" Mouth asked while holding a ball in his hands "I used to play" I say as we walk out of the back of the school "you should play with us" book suggested "nah, I've got to get home, detention already went late enough" they all nod their heads in agreement "why don't you watch for a bit, catch up on your homework then?" Joey asks, almost pleading that I go with them "oh all right, how much more trouble could I get in" we make our way over to the cage, the boys take their positions and I start in some homework. I'm in the zone and I'm nearly finished Mouth suddenly starts screaming "HOME RUN! HOME RUN! SUCK THE PUSSES, I JUST DIGGED ONE OFF THE GREAT JOSEPH FINLEY!"
"Foul!" Book exclaims getting up in mouths face, they start arguing with each other about whether it was a foul or not "guys let's just give it to him" Joey states breaking up the two "or just move on" I suggest placing my books aside and moving towards them "fetch" Mouth tells book "no you fetch" "you said it was one the outfield" "n-" Joey cuts them off "I'll go get it" "no no no, I'll get it" Mouth buts in "no no no I'll get it" book finally caves "what if we all go get it?" I suggest just wanting them to shut up, we all start walking in the direction of where mouth hit the ball "shit" he mutters under his breath, we all come to a halt as I see Billy coming towards us. I'm in deep shit. "Somebody lose a ball?" He asks "it's ours" mouth catches the ball "thanks" "anytime, take care" he nods and starts walking away, too nice to be Billy "yeah, yeah bro you too" mouth chuckles "he ain't a bad guy" something is up "by the way" the boys stop dead in their tracks "which one of you guys called me an asshole yesterday? You know I'm just being curious because usually i like to look the little dick in the eyes, but hey I just wanna know who's been calling me names" he grabs my shoulder and pushes me behind him, the boys give me a weird look but my face says guilty all over it "behind my back, I'm not gonna hurt anybody, scouts honour " he holds up two fingers "you know what, I don't ever want to see you guys here again, find somewhere else to play, and stay away from Hannah" book gains enough courage to speak "look, we don't want any trouble, if if you want us to do your homework or make your lunch everyday, you got it" he stutters "you called me an asshole didnt you" Billy steps closer "no it was me" Mouth admits "no it was me, i said it" Joey jumps in "now I know it was you ya fat coward, do you know how fat and stupid looking you are" he questions "Billy stop! Leave him alone" I say as calmly as possible, but he ignores me completely "huh do ya, you freezy four eyed mound of blubber, how do you live with yourself, huh? Piggy! I asked you a question piggy" he slaps the glasses right off of books face "Billy, leave him alone" I come up closet behind him "shut it Hannah" he pushes me backwards into mouth and joey "do you have any idea how fat and stupid looking you are?! Huh! Do ya? Answer me!" He keeps yelling "yes" book says quietly "yes what" Billy questions "yes, I do know how fat and stupid looking I am" he cries, Billy starts patting his back "I feel a whole lot better now" Mouth makes his way to the two "are you happy now?" He asks Billy "Excuse me?" "I said are you happy now, ASSHOLE!" He uses the exact same tone that he had used the other day "You dumb" he throws a punch towards mouths nose, joey's hand shoots up and catches his fist. Billy starts walking towards joey, he backs away then throws hid mitt at Billy before turning on his heels and running away, grabbing his bag off of the pole. He exits the cage and runs out of sight, Billy hot on his tail.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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