gadd x mon hot seggc smut crocs kink

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Mon was wearing the crocs and nothing else, GADD was watching aggressively while the crocs changed colour into cum and stuff whateeve

The cum cokourss crocs said amongus and then mon came into a rainbow because gay sex

Daryn is watching through the window :)
Kase is cooking (boywife ??????????????) But kase cannot cook ( unless ))))

Anyway mon iPhone

But mon has a smamsubg and gadd said
"We're gonna have hate sex because i have an apple fridge sometimes (it's genderfluid so sometimes it's a mattress))"

Then mon said "Uno reverso"
And took off the crocs and turned them into a magic dildo for big hot ppl and gadd said "d d d d d d d DD. DD d d. DD. D d d d ddaddy"
And mon said "ok"

And then daryn had to cover his eyes but ofc he didn't because daryn breathes yaoi


Gadd was all like Lee haesoo that one time when his stepbro except mons like legal and shit

"Gaddy waddy so cute ehehe"


Then the pp started turning back into crocs !!! Oh no 3am gone wrong gone sexual ages ago

Then gadd had crocs in his asshole and couldn't afford surgery

Unfortunately he didn't survive the fall into the pit when mon buried him alive with the crocs :)

high five kase now we can be boy wives togetehrsies

I'm sorry henz forgive me o pretty one

hot sexy smut time 💞🥲😍❣️😔😳🥴😍Where stories live. Discover now