Chapter 1

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Some say depression is just a faze. Something like how a child outgrows a peice of clothing, or a toy. Well, depression is most definitely NOT something you can just "get rid of". You dont just wake up one morning and decide you are bored with it. I should know i mean- I am the one who's freaking cursed with it. I just feel so alone. Maybe that's because i am. Though there are so many people surrounding me, none of them actually understand, or even like me. Take this place for instance; so many people around me yet hardly any of them take the time to talk to me, I'm always the last to be picked for anything, i sit alone at lunch, and am bullied by.. a lot of people pretty much every day. I guess i've gotten used to it, though sometimes when its really bad.. it "gets to me" you could say.

"Shawn Gray" Says Mr. McCallski pulling me from my thoughts. "You seem to be paying much attention, so please tell the class what was the cause of the American Revolution?"

was that sarcasm supposed to be funny? because i can tell you i am not amused. I've learned to keep quiet in school. I get made fun of because i stutter and can get confused pretty easily. I am not dumb just... cant find the right words i guess.

"u-uhm.. the colonist.. didnt like to b-be taxed..." Like i said.. i just cant seem to find the right words.

"Uh no not exactly Shawn.. you should think about getting a tutor" with him saying that only makes the snickers and laughs get louder behind me.

Right when he was about to open his mouth to speak again the bell rung. Thank god.


It was now lunch and i was sitting (like usual) on the grass leaned up against a willow tree, sketching in my notebook. I found myself drawing a woman's eye, and in the refection of the eye a silhouette of two people kissing. The woman was crying. I dont know why i was drawing this, i didnt have much relation. Exept for the time my boyfriend cheated on me last year, but he was a douche anyways.. he had done worse than that before. I like the drawing though, i'd say its kind of.. deep.

I guess i was to lost in thought when i didnt notice some guy walk up to me. Looking up at him i noticed he was in my sciance class, i think his name is Erik? no Nathan? i dunno.. we have talked on a few occasions though.

"Hey, uhm want some company?" he said taking notice to how im sitting alone.

"Oh uh- thats okay.. y-you dont have to" I stuttered again dammit! why do i have to be so nervous all the time.

"Well" he started to say before sitting next to me "maybe I want some company"

"Dont you have other friends y-you would rather talk to?" i exclaimed

"Well maybe i wanted a chance to actually talk to you" He said making me laugh out a disbeleieving kind of huff

"why are you sitting alone?" he said ignoring my negative responce.

"I dunno.. i always sit alone" I shrugged
"Well, now you don't have to" he smiled which made me smile
"It's fine really"
"It wasn't an offer Shawn" he crossed his arms and scrunched his face trying to look angry, but I could see the corners of his mouth curling up and him trying to hide his laughs.
I laughed at his stupidness an lightly punched him in the arm.
"Ow Shawn ur so mean!" He said punching me back
"Ur not supposed to punch girls!"
We both laughed and talked until the bell rang to last period.
"Can i see your phone?" is he asking for my number? Obviously.
He put his number in my phone and walked with me to my locker. We talked a bit more until the second bell rung and he had to go.
"see you later Shawnie?"
"If your lucky, bye" I said about to walk away but once i realized what he had called me i turned right back around "pardon?" I could only catch a glimpse of his smirk once he ran off to his class.
Hope you like the new story! Btw Shawnie was her nickname when she was younger.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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