Because: o7

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Jade wasn’t sure whether to feel compassion or amusement towards Mello’s antics. The way he bit his lip, ran his hand through his blonde locks, and kept shifting made his anxiety about his new life evident.

Mello, looking very much uncomfortable, was currently standing in the entranceway of their abode in his new uniform. He wore a dark royal blue blazer, with the school symbol on the left breast pocket, over a white button up shirt. His slacks were also the same color blue, and black loafers hid his black socks.

All in all, he looked like a rebellious, well-off, boy student. The rebellious image came from his shaggy blonde locks, his piercing glare, and his tie. He had insisted to keep his black school tie tied around his neck in a slightly shabby manner. When Jade had questioned him why, wanting to fix it for him, he had replied that he “did not want to look like some goody-two shoes prude”.

Jade had mixed feelings about sending Mello off. On one hand, she was determined to reassure him and send him out to school with a smile. On the other hand, she felt just as panicked, and wanted to just embrace him and keep him safe inside their home.

However, Jade decided to go with her first instinct to keep her composure, and did her best to act like a good older sister would.

“Oh come on, surely it can’t be that bad,” Jade smiled reassuringly at Mello. “It’s just high school.”

Mello glared at Jade. “Who said I was nervous?”

His slouched position and hands dug deep into his pants pockets suggested otherwise.

“You just did.” Jade grinned.

“Did not.”

“Whatever kid, come on, let’s go.”

Together, the two headed off towards Cross Academy in Jade’s sleek, black car.

When they arrived, both sat in silence. When Jade finally resolved to turn towards Mello, smile and wave goodbye, Mello suddenly turned twoards her.



“Thank you.”

Then Mello had quickly bustled out of the car, avoiding looking at Jade.

“Wait!” Jade cried out, as she too got out of the car.

“Have fun.” Jade smiled, as she patted Mello’s head affectionately, noting with amusement how red his face was turning.

“Shut up.” Mello muttered, secretly pleased, before flitting his fingers at Jade as he walked towards the school building.

Jade drove off to work with a huge, silly grin on her face.

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