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doctor: she's in a coma and if she doesn't wake up the end of this week ( it was monday) then the chanses are she will never wake up, i am sorry
leon who was crying so hard: this is imposible i am dreaming this is just one of my nightmares
fran how was crying to: no its not it is real
* leon smashed the wall so hard their was a little hole in it *
fran who was not crying anymore: leon i know youre in pain right know but breaking this hospital down isn't going to help violetta wake up ( leon cried even harder) come hear sweetheart ( she hugged leon)
leon: fran violetta's parents had a carr accedint like this to and they were in a coma to they never woke up from their comma, fran i waited so long for her to come around i can't lose her she is my world she is my everything i won't lose her
* fran broke the hugg and laid two hands on leon's shoulder*
fran: sweetie she is not her parents ( she begin to cry now) the violetta i know is strong brave she will fight this and she will win i know it

doctor: we just did the opperation and it was a good one so only one of you can visited her for 10 minutes not longer
leon and fran sad at the same time: i geuss that would be me
leon: fran i am gonna see her
fran: leon sweetheart i am gonna see her
andreas: don't fight i have an idea i am thinking of a number i will right it down and who knows the number will go to violettta
fran: is it .............2
andreas: no
leon: i know it is 4
andreas: leon you won now go

leon's pov
she lay's their fighting for her life and she still looks beautyfull
me: heey my love i know you can't talk back but i know you can hear me so i am gonna say somthing
when you called i was really happy ( he smiled) finaly after so many years i would get you back and the i heard you on the phone getting in an accedint i rushed down to this hospital than the doctor told me you where in a comma and i almost broke the hospital down but i didn't (now leon got tears in his eye's) because fran was their she told me that breaking this hospital down wasn't gonna help you and i needed to stay strong for you and believe me i am trying ( he cried know) but it is really hard violetta i need you to fight for youre self for us for me for youre friends because they need you but most of all i need you i can't life without you violetta i would do anything but then i mean anything if you wake up i even would go to one of those romantic movies with you but pleass i am begging you don't leave me alone because i can't life without you violetta you are my world you are my everything
* i kissed her*
the doctor came in to say my time was up i swear i could puch him but i didn't

i woke up from like a one hour sleep and took a cop of koffie and turned on the news

news lady: yesterday at the traffic lights close to the statue of liberty was an accedint a carr got hit by a truck the girl who was in the carr was right away taken to a hospital close to the statue she is know in a coma and the men behind the wheel is arrested for driving drunk and cossing an accedint
this and more news after the break
*i turned of the tv*
i won't give her up, i will fight with her until the verry end, you hear me i will never let her go 'never'

so what do you think did you feel somthing let me know in the comments pleass and vote
xxxxx love-liefde

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