Armored Chaos

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Everyone was silent for a second, just staring at the freeze frame of Master Chief decking a Brute in the face. "Master Chief?" Fury asked first. "He is The Man, The Myth, and most definitely the motherfucking Legend." James answered, standing up a little bit straighter than before.

"What is that supposed to mean? Why does he have knock off Iron Man armor?" Clint asked, motioning between the ODST and the holo video. "To put it simply, this man has saved the entire fucking universe so many times, that all life in the universe for the next millennium owes him their lives."

"What about his armor?" Stark spoke up, almost completely focused on the Chief's helmet. "MJOLNIR Mark V. All I can say for sure is its a powerful set of gear. My ODST armor can withstand a modern day .50 BMG. Hell, it could probably take a few before it would pierce through. MJOLNIR, however, can take a tank round and keep the wearer safe." James explained from what he himself had seen.

"Why is it called MJOLNIR?" Thor asked, looking at his hammer, shifting and turning it slowly. "I'm not a Spartan, so I don't know. But from what I have seen, the armor allows the wearer to move much faster than a normal human. The only thing I know for a fact is from overhearing Fireteam Majestic is that in order for them to wear the armor, they HAD to be augmented." James said, waving his hand dismissively.

"Augments? Like what?" Stark asked, his scientific side coming out in full. Banner was also rubbing his chin in thought at the question. "Fuck me if I know. As I said, when I was offered to become a S-IV, I declined. As you saw, my team took three causalities in a span of a few minutes. I didn't want to leave them behind."

"S four?" Fury asked the ODST. "Spartan IV. I guess there was a was three previous generations, but I've only heard Master Chief referred to as a Spartan-II, and then their was the Spartan-IVs." James answered with a shrug.

"So, what is an ODST?" Jennifer interrupted, looking at said soldier. "Orbital Drop Shock Trooper. You need someone on the ground in five seconds? ODSTs. You need chaos amongst peace? ODSTs. You need someone who isn't a Spartan to kick ass? ODSTs." James plainly explained, but a cruel smirk was seen creeping onto his face.

"Are you supposed to tell us all of this?" Fury asked, staring James down. "No. But ONI will kill me even if I didn't tell you anything." James stated to casually for someone who just mentioned they'd be killed. "Why?" Scott inquired.

"Someone told me to do a mission. That someone is powerful enough to kill everyone on my team in front of all of humanity, and easily play it off as an 'accident'." the ODST said with air quotes. "So, I'm pretty sure the second I crossed over to this world slash universe slash place, I was marked for death."

Everyone just stared at the soldier in surprise and shock as he again casually explained his death sentence. "Moving on, the video just finishes with Chief kicking the Covenant's ass, and the rest of my team was safely recovered." the ODST continued.

"Oh my god..." Carol muttered at, well, hearing about everything. "Oh there is more. A LOT more, but I want to cut to the chase. I'm here because I 'over stepped', and now you all want to make sure I won't do anything to bad, right? Make sure I'll be a good little assassin like Romanoff? A good little soldier like Rogers?" James asked rhetorically.

"Pretty much. Now you will be under SHIELD's watch. And, if you are a good little boy, we will let you be a hero." Nick Fury said with a smug smirk on his face. In response, James put his helmet back on and flipped the director of SHIELD off.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuu!" James said in a long drawn out way, his attitude indicating he was bored. His middle finger still in the air the whole time. Almost everyone took a mental step back, except for Fury, who just scowled. Stark, who, while not liking the man, loved the attitude, and Wolverine felt the same way.

Logan bursted out in laughter at the soldiers response. "I like this guy!" he says with a small smile. "Like you back, Wolfie. Now, as I was saying, I am not handing jack nor shit over to anyone. The only reason I even have my gear with me is incase shit goes down." the ODST explained.

"Well, you are under arrest for vigilantism, murder, and breaking and entering." Fury casually listed off. "And that is just from yesterday." he said a little too cocky for James' liking. "Perhaps. Just maybe, still fuck you." James said, holding out his hands in front of him at first, then widening them to indicate he couldn't care less.

Fury and James had a small staring contest, before Fury quickly whipped out a pistol, and aimed it at the ODST's visor. "Your armor might be tough, but how about the glass?" he said with a smirk on his face. To everyone's surprise, James slowly pulled his pistol off of his hip, and aimed it at Fury in a casual manner.

"You ever heard the story of the Elite and the Spartan?" James asked a little to casually. "What?" Everyone asked in confusion. "Ah right! Different worlds!" James laughs out before walking back towards the elevator, still aiming at Fury.

"Halt!" Fury shouted out, tensing his trigger finger. He was a millimeter from firing, but the ODST could. Not. Care. Less. When the ODST didn't respond, nor lowered his gun, the Avengers and the X-Men all got ready for a fight.

James just moonwalked the last few steps into the elevator, and pressed the ground floor button. As the doors slid closed, Tony spoke out to his AI. "JARVIS, stop the elevator." he commanded. "Apologies, Sir, but I can not." "And why the hell not?" Stark sniped back. "Because I've been locked out of everything but th- oh, I've been given control again."

"Then stop that man!" Fury nearly screamed at the AI. "I cannot, as he has already left the building." was JARVIS' only reply. "Avengers, find him!" the director of SHIELD ordered. "We should help get him as well. Let's go X-Men!" Cyclops told his teammates.

All the superheroes sprinted out of the building, trying to recapture the ODST, only to not see him anywhere. "Where the hell did he go JARVIS?" Tony asked his suit. "He seems to have disappeared once he left the building. No real explanation as to how, however." "Dammit!"

James Garrick Holt was cruising down the highway, going 90 MPH on his new... requisite motorcycle. No, he didn't steal it! He had left $50,000 for the poor soul it was... taken... from. It was a nice bike though. In fact, he had managed to snag a Yamaha Niken motorcycle.

The dual front wheels allowing for a smoother ride, and allowed the bike to hold his armor and weapons without to much drag. It was also fun to take turns at higher than normal speeds. Not quite Mongoose levels of agility and speed, but close enough for the ODST.

"Why are you just driving away from everything?" 040 Optical Render asked in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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