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August 27, 2020. SA (suicide attempt)

Eleanor Francis

It had been six months since the custody hearing.

Draco and I had been following the judges orders and alternating weekly with Cressida and Scorpius.

I'd like to say I have moved on, I have a new boyfriend Theodore Nott.

Ok moving on with your ex husbands best friend his kinda harsh, but to be fair he deserves it.

I have only said a couple of words to Draco since the divorce, stuff like
'Make sure Scorpius says out of trouble and make sure they eat.

But the children were of f to Hogwarts so I did not have to see him till thanksgiving. Draco and I decided for the kids sake I should be at the manor for holidays and birthdays.

So that ment I had to pretend to be happy around him and I was not looking forward to doing that.

But then came Theo he was like a god sent angle, but some piece of my heart was not full. Draco does know about us and he is not the happiest about it at first but over time he got over it.

It was just then that my phone rang indicating someone was calling me.

E: Hello-

D: Eleanor baby- where are you, I miss you.

E: Draco, your drunk.

D: n-no *hiccup* ok maybe a little.

E: goodbye Draco.

D: no,no El I need you please come to the Manor, please Ellie.

E: *sigh* ok fine I'll be there in 10.

Ellie, that fucking name, I hate when he calls me that because of how it makes me feel, he used to call me that all the time no matter what he wanted if he called me that I always fell for it.

Fell for him.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath. I couldn't not come help him, he could be in danger, I'm doing this for the kids only they are the only reason I still associate with him.

I slipped on my shoes before apparateing to the Malfoy Manor.

"Draco, Draco are you here" I yelled through the echoing walls of the Manor.

"Ellie y-you came for me" he said standing up walking towards me from the kitchen.

"Yes now what do you want, you look fine to me." I said. "Eleanor, does he make you feel the way I make you feel." He said. I thought he was joking because he was drunk, but he held nothing but serious features on his face.

"Draco your drunk." I said to him. "No Eleanor, answer me does he f-fuck you l-like I-." His voice was fading every time he spat out a sentence before passing out directly on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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