sundrop x fem reader (fluff)

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~~ Y/N P.O.V ~~


You checked into work passing Vanessa, (idfk if that the right name but anyways) you work in the daycare with sunny- your nickname for sundrop.

You went though the gate and then down the slide landing into the ball-pit.

"HELLO Y/N ITS SO GOOD TO SEEEE YOU!!" you looked to the left to see the absolute ray of happiness sundrop.

"Hello sun," You called out. "How's your day gone?"

"Its been good but its better either you here ;)"

You smiled as you climbed out if the ball bit. You stood for a second an awkward siclince filled the air.

"So what are we doing today y/n/n?"

You paused as you pulled out your phone to see the Schedule.. "ummm... well first we have to clean... then we can chill here for the night."

You looked up from your phone "the only thing I have to do is watch the daycare"

Sun smiled "Okay. 😃"

~time skip bc I'm lazy~


The afternoon went by quickly, mainly cleaning after children (little gremlins); and dealing with tired ass Karens.

"Y/NNN~" said the sun themed robot from the top of the slide.

"Yes sun?" You questioned.

"Well," he towers over you as he walks closer, "Do you want to have a sleep over?!?" He say excitedly

"Absolutely.  :)"

~time skip~

The daycare is now closed and the only people remaining in the building are the workers and stray customers who stay later than you should;)

Sun set up the pillow fort while I made snacks- wait can he even eat? Nevermind that's a question for later on. All that matters now is the sleepover :)

6:15 pm

"The pillows are ready y/n!" Sun skipped excitedly toward you.

" okay 😃 I have snacks," you said.

"So what should we do, pillow fight or movie? We could COLOR andddd play games if you'd rather that then a movie" he spoke so fast you barely understood him so out of awkwardness you smiled and said

"How about the first option."

Sunny smiled and happily agreed with you.

You started the night with picking a movie and sharing a blanket fort contraption. It was made mostly of a light yellow fabric and was held above you by a stake in the ceiling. Okay kinda works to have a 10 ft tall robot be your friend. :)

You watched (insert your favorite movie) and cuddled with the sun robot, despite being made of metal they were surprisingly soft.

About an hour into the movie you stated to drift off the sleep, sun being the Adorable animatronic he is let u sleep and continued to watch the movie with you on him. He played with your hair and let u sleep as he watched the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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