luv drugs $ex (smut)

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a/n: mini smut
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Myke's POV
I walked in to tonight's events looking a bit classy. It was loud inside with casual music playing  and there was a whole casino in the middle of the place. But then I remembered the casino would be where the meeting for business would be.

As I was looking around I saw Y/n walking into the private room that the business meeting was being held at. How am I supposed to focus when I'm in there if I can't even keep my eyes off her. She acts all innocent and shy but when she's with me that is not the case.

Everyone was settled in their seats as the meeting proceeded. I guess you could kinda say I'm the bartender because I pour their drinks when they asked for one. And that's all I did. Even tho I practically stay in the room for most of the meetings, I always knew just to only do my part as the bartender and not get involved with their grown men business. It was just a room full of men and only Myke seemed to be the only one who has my attention.

He is the type of guy that treats everyone else average but when it came to me he was so sweet, private, and quiet but when it's just us two alone he knows how to make every part of me feel good. I chuckled at the thought and looked at myke sitting across the room pretending to be listening but in reality he's thinking about me.

Speaking of thinking of me, he discreetly sent me a text message indicating for me to go over to his place tonight. We sent text messages back and forth that seemed to be making the conversation get a little hot but I didn't mind.

The meeting was over and a couple of men gave me tips. And sooner or later my shift was over. I went home showered, and got ready to go to Mykes tonight. I left my hair damp and curly I put on my favorite gloss and a cute but sexy comfortable outfit.

Myke's POV
I arrived at my house after midday. I showered and relax as I waited for my guest y/n to arrive. I've been doing business for a while associated with the cartel. It's been going well and the money has been coming in, I make sure to play my cards right.

I met y/n in a business meeting of course. I still remember what she was wearing the day I saw her, a light blue shimmer dress that was revealing but not too revealing and she had this resting mean face. And I seemed to like that about her. I thought she was one of those "good girls" that no one thinks they want but in reality they need her. And I was just about right.

That first time I saw her at one of the meetings one of the other guys put his arm around her waist while she came to pour his drink. because honestly that's just a few of the things the guys would do to the girls at those meetings. But of course everything was consensual, the woman knew what type of job they applied for. They were supposed to be our bartenders during our meetings. But we weren't ordinary people we were apart of a drug cartel and for some woman, they seem to find us attractive despite what we do and despite that if they do get wrapped in it with us, it might not end good for any one of us. And because they didn't work for ordinary people, they got paid extremely well for a simple job. And there was no dress code to it.

Y/n seemed to not like when he grabbed her waist but at the same time didn't seem bothered by it.
"You don't touch her" I said to him but the guys heard me as well. He laughed and lit his cigar. "Okay" he said signaling with his hands that he didn't want any parts. "is this you being possessive" he said. I wanted her and I knew I wanted her.

"You didn't have to do all that back there" she said as we talked in somewhat private. I got closer to her and was a inch away from her face. She looked flustered. "I have to get back to work". She walked around me. I could tell she was innocent by the way she didn't even entertain me or flirt back even if she wanted to. I could tell she doesn't even know what lust feels like.

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