Bertram:One and Only

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Alana had been friends with Jessie for a really long time so when she found out Jessie was sick she was of course the first to volunteer to babysit for her. Now Alana had had a mad crush on Bertram for a super long time so when she saw him it made her really nervous. The entire day she just focussed on the kids and avoided eye contact with Bertram. But later that night all the kids went to bed. She was alone. Wait no she wasn't Bertram was still there. This was her chance she had to tell him. She had to tell him how much she truly loved him. Alana would go and visit Jessie while she was babysitting and that's where her love for him began. She saw him dusting the mantles and polishing the tables and she just couldn't resist it. He was so perfect. And now she could finally tell him how she felt because it was just her and Bertram. She walked up to him slowly and tapped on his shoulder. He was polishing the last piece of silverware. He looked up at her with his beautiful green eyes. "Bertram. I need to tell you something very important." "Okay honey bunny what is it?" Said Bertram. He talked so adorably she couldn't stand it. "I-I I love you,Bertram." She was so shocked she was able to even get the words out of her mouth. Bertram smiled and said "Alana I've been waiting to here you say those words for so long." Alana's heart skipped a beat. He stood up and they were face to face. "I saw it in your eyes when we first met. You loved me. And darling, I love you."said Bertram. Alana was so happy she could cry. She stood there silently staring at his grey beard and beautiful bald head knowing that he was finally hers. "Bertram,you are my one and only." "Honey,you are too" said Bertram.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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